Angel Marquez
2020-10-26 11:42:17

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The action doesn't stop at Bless Unleashed, so today we are going to explain how to play with friends.

What to know about Bless Unleashed?

Like many games we have to be able to play with friends, it becomes the best option for fun for many of us, considering the fact that it is available for PS4 and PC, we have a lot of people online for this purpose, but it is possible that How to play with friends is not understood and to clarify doubts we will have the details about it in the following content, let's see it.

How to play with friends in Bless Unleashed?

To achieve this, we need to do the following:


  •  In inspection mode we have to form a group
  • In the Guilds register, create a guild in Navarra through this
  • On the world map there are many players with whom we must meet and support them
  • When we are looking for a partner it is necessary that we play in an arena or dungeon
  • Uniting through events and raids
  • In the same way that with the Wolf King we must face the different world bosses that require several players for such a confrontation


 It is necessary that we add the person to our friends list to play, we will go to the friends tab that is in the World menu, here we find the different aspects, if we want to send a request it is necessary that we approach the game player and make an interaction with it, having to open a menu for such a possibility, what we will do is choose to send a friend request and when it accepts it we will have it in our friends list, the next thing is to click on it to invite it to our departure.

 We can conclude that understanding How to play with friends becomes easier than we thought with this content, so we apply the steps presented here and we can continue to have fun at Bless Unleashed.

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