Angel Marquez
2024-04-23 09:14:59

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to complete all Circuit breaker challenges in Kill It With Fire 2 with precise details.

What to know about the circuit breaker challenges in Kill It With Fire 2?

These are all the objectives in the Hem Foods and Furniture level, which requires the circuit breakers in the level to be reset, something that can be a fun and challenging task. As we progress, the difficulty increases, so it is appropriate on How to complete all Circuit breaker challenges in Kill It With Fire 2 to rely on some useful tips presented in this guide below to ensure success.

How to complete all Circuit breaker challenges in Kill It With Fire 2?

If we fall into the fog, the swarm of insects will surely kill us. However, if you find us near the last circuit breaker, let's not fall! We will continue moving and jumping until we see the glowing switch and hit it quickly. It takes a while for the bugs to fully attack us and with our extended range we can easily reset the switch, to reset the switches we start by jumping onto the plank and climbing up to the switch next to the "Cafe Hem" sign. Although it may seem simple, let's be careful not to accidentally fall off the board and into the fog.

After successfully resetting the first switch, we continued our journey by jumping into the trash cans. While we can try to reach the table in front of us, be careful of the wandering light, as it can knock us down and we will fall into the fog, leaving the insects to claim our lives. Fortunately, this initial challenge has no time limit, allowing you to go more slowly as you get used to the task; resetting the switches becomes more challenging in the home goods section, where three switches await our attention. To start, we will go to the rugs and the white shelf that contains the Teki coffee machines. Speed is crucial, as the fog rises quickly, but keep in mind that it also retreats, so timing our movements is key to avoid getting caught in the fog while we are closer to the ground, manipulate the switch, climb the board and we jump to the boxes. Maintaining our position on top of the pile to avoid the fog. After accomplishing this, we climb the adjacent stack of containers, jump over the beach chairs into the foliage and reach the final switch.

Restore functionality to switches in the inventory storage facility.

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This particular challenge presents a formidable obstacle to overcome, despite the presence of a single switch that requires resetting. In addition, this challenge imposes a time limit, which requires a demonstration of speed, starting the task, we climb onto the platform leaning on the cash registers. We continue along the tables until we find a dead end. At this point, we maneuver towards the upper section of the boxes. Be careful when jumping, as grabbing the edge of the object can cause you to be propelled backwards. We jumped from a distance, ensuring a precise landing on the top.

When climbing the boxes, we used the railing to traverse and descend onto the pallets. The aforementioned strategy is also applicable here: maintain a safe distance and refrain from getting too close to successfully execute the jump. We crouch to pass and access the other side. We jump towards the railing and remain still. The strategy for this section is to jump first and then move forward while in the air, ensuring a successful jump and avoiding the risk of falling again.

Resetting switches in the main showroom

The main showroom has four circuit breakers that we must reset in a limited period of time. However, there are several tips and tricks to make this task easier, without having to navigate the center of the room. To start, we jump to the TV supports to access the first circuit breaker. Once this is done, we go through the boxes to the first chair. We follow the path until we reach the stairs. We will go up the stairs and look towards the second switch, located on the opposite wall; We can safely reach it from this strategic point. Now, let's refrain from returning to the showroom. Instead, we cross the balcony to the other switch. This one can also be reached easily. Once we have restarted it, we will climb the wall and walk to the end, where we can jump over a fallen armchair. Finally, we press the last switch to successfully complete this final challenge.

This is everything we need to know about How to complete all Circuit breaker challenges in Kill It With Fire 2, leaving the application of these instructions to gain the necessary momentum to complete these challenges with ease.