Lidia Rozo
2023-08-25 07:17:57

Follow our expert guide on How to Increase HP in Immortals of Aveum. Dominate the game today!

In Immortals of Aveum, your HP (health points) is crucial for surviving battles and progressing through the game. To help you boost your HP, we've put together this friendly guide that outlines various methods and strategies. Let's dive in!

Radiant Health Stones

The primary way to increase your HP is by finding Radiant Health Stones. These golden crystals drop during challenging battles and can be discovered in Shroudfanes, which are ethereal worlds with platforming or combat challenges. These stones are essential for enhancing your health pool. Keep an eye out for them during your adventures in Aveum.

Radiant Health Stones are not easy to come by, but they are worth the effort. The more Health Stones you collect, the stronger your character becomes, and the longer you can survive in battles. Make it a priority to seek out these precious crystals whenever you encounter a Shroudfane.

Radiant Mana Stones:

While less plentiful than Health Stones, Radiant Mana Stones also play a role in increasing survivability. These crystals boost your mana level, allowing you to cast more spells and abilities. Although not directly impacting HP, having sufficient mana can indirectly contribute to staying alive longer during battles.

Having more mana means you can utilize healing or defensive spells to preserve your HP. In dire situations, being able to cast a healing spell can mean the difference between life and death. So, don't overlook the importance of Radiant Mana Stones in your quest to increase your HP.

Gear and Armor Bonuses

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Equipping gear with HP bonuses can significantly improve your survivability. Look for armor pieces that provide additional health benefits, such as increased resilience or damage reduction. Upgrading your armor at the forge can further enhance its defensive properties.

Investing in high-quality gear with HP bonuses should be a priority for any player looking to increase their HP. As you progress through the game, keep an eye out for armor pieces that provide not only defensive benefits but also extra HP. Upgrading your armor at the forge can give you an edge in battles and help you survive longer.

Skill Upgrades

Certain skill upgrades can grant you extra health points or aid in regaining lost health during combat. These upgrades can be crucial in tough battles where every HP matters. Here are two skills worth considering:

  • Bash: This upgrade enables you to regain a percentage of health after successfully landing a powerful attack on an enemy. The more powerful the attack, the more health you regain. Mastering this skill can be a game-changer, allowing you to recover HP while dealing damage to your foes.
  • Grand Step: By mastering this skill, you gain the ability to dodge incoming attacks more effectively, reducing damage taken and preserving your HP. Dodging attacks is a valuable defensive tactic that can save you from unnecessary damage and keep your HP intact.

Healing Crystals

Healing crystals serve as a convenient way to restore lost health quickly. Initially obtained as basic healing items, they can be upgraded up to five times at the forge, allowing for even greater healing potential. Keep an ample supply of these crystals on hand for emergencies.

Healing crystals are a lifesaver in challenging battles. Upgrading them at the forge will improve their healing properties, ensuring that you can restore a significant amount of health when you need it most. Remember to stock up on healing crystals before embarking on difficult quests or entering boss battles.

 Living Explosion Upgrade

In the red tree of skill upgrades, the Living Explosion ability can be unlocked. This unique upgrade grants you a 5% health bonus whenever a Limpet infused with red magic explodes on an enemy. Utilize this upgrade strategically to capitalize on its healing benefits.

The Living Explosion upgrade offers a unique way to increase your HP during battles. By using Limpets infused with red magic and causing them to explode on enemies, you not only deal damage but also gain a health bonus. This upgrade rewards players who can strategically use their abilities to both defeat enemies and restore HP.

By following these guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to increase your HP in Immortals of Aveum. Remember to keep an eye out for Radiant Health Stones and Mana Stones, optimize your gear and armor bonuses, strategically upgrade your skills like Bash and Grand Step, and make effective use of healing crystals. With these tips in mind, you'll become a formidable immortal ready to conquer Aveum's challenges! Increasing your HP is crucial in Immortals of Aveum, as it directly impacts your survivability in battles. By utilizing the various methods and strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be able to enhance your health pool, increase your defensive capabilities, and restore lost health when needed. So, go forth, brave immortal, and conquer Aveum with your newfound strength and resilience!

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