Daniel Hidalgo
2021-01-21 07:01:00

Now that Hitman 3 has been released, there are many users who do not know how to repair the screen Tearing, which we will address today.

What is screen tearing in Hitman 3?

This is a native cracked or split screen issue that many users have complained about.
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How to fix screen Tearing on Hitman 3?

The first thing to consider if you want to know how to repair the screen tear, is that as we already said, it is a native problem. It seems that when your fps is not a multiple or a fraction of 1 / x of the monitor's refresh rate, the error appears, no matter you lock your fps at 60, 120, 30, etc, unless you have v- sync to save time.

What happens here is a sync problem between the monitor and the GPU, if your GPU sends a frame before the monitor has finished rendering the image above, you will have a screen tearing problem.

The first thing we recommend you do is enable V-sync from the graphics card control panel if you are an AMD or NVidia user, although you can also enable V-Sync from the game settings.

Another thing you can do is limit the frame rate, using for example the MSI Afterburner to lock the game's FPS and in this way make it match that of your monitor. Note that the MSI Afterburner can sometimes crash games, so if this happens you will have to try other software.

Another option is to use a monitor that has the Gsync function.

Unfortunately if you are a console user, the only thing you can do is be patient and wait for the developers to release a patch that addresses the problem.

 That's all there is to how to fix screen Tearing on Hitman 3, we hope you have managed to solve this problem on your PC and if you are a console user, most likely the developers are already working on a corrective patch to release it. anytime.