Daniel Hidalgo
2020-06-01 09:05:10

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If you are one of the players who have had to wonder How to fix voice chat not working error in Fortnite, this guide is for you.

What is the voice chat issue in Fortnite.

This is one of the most common game errors that occurs when voice chat simply stops working for some reason. The exact reason is something that has not yet been determined, but luckily we have a solution for you.

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How to fix voice chat not working error in Fortnite.

If you are a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One user, the first thing you have to do is access the audio settings to make sure that voice chat is activated, the voice chat method is open, the voice channel is party and voice chat notifications are on.

Once all of the above has been verified, you will have to create a party, deactivate your voice chat and save the changes. Exit the party and access the audio settings menu and adjust voice chat again, which should fix this problem.

If you are a PC user the first thing you have to do is restart the game to see if the problem is solved, but if this does not happen you will have to access the Windows Sound Settings and make sure that the headphones and microphone are correctly configured in Entry and Exit options. Also verify that the audio settings are correct.

A cause of this problem may be pending game updates, so we recommend making sure you have no pending updates and if so, it is best to install them.

 So we come to the end of this guide on how to fix voice chat does not work in Fortnite, we hope that it has been of the greatest possible use and that you have managed to solve this annoying and important problem with our advice.

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