Angel Marquez
2023-07-06 08:17:09

Follow his step-by-step instructions How to Get White Trevally in Dave the Diver. Get started now.

Are you an avid player of Dave the Diver and eager to catch the elusive White Trevally? Look no further! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of finding and catching this prized fish, as well as completing the sub-quest associated with it. So, grab your diving gear and get ready for an underwater adventure!

Finding the White Trevally

Diving Points and Depth Range

To increase your chances of encountering the White Trevally, it's important to know where they can be found. These magnificent fish are typically found in deeper waters, so make sure to explore diving points with depths ranging from 60 to 100 feet. Keep an eye out for areas with ample underwater vegetation, as the White Trevally tends to seek refuge there.

Searching During the Daytime

While the White Trevally can be spotted at any time, they are more active during the daytime. Plan your dives accordingly and venture into the depths when the sun is high in the sky. Take advantage of the natural light to spot these shimmering creatures gliding through the water.

The Reticent Girl Mission

If you're having trouble spotting the White Trevally, fear not! Completing the Reticent Girl mission will significantly increase their visibility. This mission requires you to collect a specific number of White Trevally, which will serve as a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with their behavior and movement patterns.

Catching the White Trevally

Non-Aggressive Nature

One of the unique aspects of the White Trevally is their non-aggressive nature. Unlike other fish species, they are less likely to swim away when approached. This gives you a great advantage when trying to catch them. Stay calm and maintain a slow, steady approach to avoid startling them.

Striking it Down

To catch the White Trevally, you'll need to strike it down with a few hits. It's important to aim accurately and strike with precision. Keep a close eye on their movements and anticipate their trajectory. With practice, you'll be able to deliver the perfect strikes and reel in these beautiful fish.

Completing the Sub-Quest

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The Sub-Quest

The White Trevally is also part of a sub-quest in Dave the Diver. This sub-quest requires you to catch a specific number of White Trevally and use them to create a delicious dish called White Trevally Kombu Ochazuke.

Serving the Dish

Once you've caught the required number of White Trevally, head back to your base and prepare the White Trevally Kombu Ochazuke dish. This mouthwatering dish is served to Maki, a character in the game who will reward you for your culinary skills.

Reward: Unlocking the Bug Net

As a reward for completing the sub-quest, you will unlock the Bug Net. This invaluable tool will allow you to catch various creatures and insects while exploring the sea, opening up new possibilities for exciting adventures and discoveries.

Acquiring the Ingredients

Availability of Kelp

One of the key ingredients for the White Trevally Kombu Ochazuke dish is Kelp. Fortunately, Kelp is readily available in the underwater world of Dave the Diver. Keep an eye out for underwater forests of Kelp and gather as much as you can during your dives.

Methods to Obtain Kelp

There are a few methods to obtain Kelp in the game. You can either slice it off carefully from the underwater forests or dispatch individuals in the Waiting Room who have Kelp on them. Choose the method that suits your playstyle and gather enough Kelp for your cooking endeavors.

Finding Cooking Pots

While exploring the sea, you may stumble upon cooking pots hidden in various locations. These pots can contain valuable ingredients, including Kelp. Keep an eye out for them and collect any cooking pots you come across to expand your ingredient collection.

Congratulations! You now have all the knowledge you need to embark on a successful quest to catch the White Trevally in Dave the Diver. Remember to explore diving points with the right depth range, search during the daytime, and complete the Reticent Girl mission for increased visibility. With patience, skill, and the right ingredients, you'll be able to complete the sub-quest and unlock the Bug Net. So, dive in and enjoy the thrilling adventure that awaits you beneath the waves!

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