Angel Marquez
2023-10-02 02:07:59

Unlock your gameplay potential with our guide on How to get the Rosco Revolver in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty. 

In Dogtown, players will encounter a series of side quests while pursuing the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty. One particularly intriguing task is the Waiting For Dodger Gig, which involves a daring rescue mission inside a secure warehouse. In this guide, we'll show you how to obtain the highly sought-after Rosco Revolver, an iconic weapon with impressive stats and benefits.

Task Overview:

Wade Bleecker, also known as Mr. Hands, assigns players the Waiting For Dodger Gig. The objective is to infiltrate a well-guarded warehouse and rescue two NCPD police officers. While instructed to proceed stealthily without killing gang members, players have the option to engage in combat with Dodger and his men.

Deciding on Your Approach:

Before embarking on the Waiting For Dodger Gig, it's essential to evaluate your playstyle and preferences. Consider whether you want to participate in the interaction or fight against Dodger and his guards. Each choice has its own consequences within the game's world, so choose wisely.

Engaging in Combat:

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If you choose to engage in combat, prepare for intense scenarios. Dodger and his guards will not go down easily, so it's crucial to coordinate your attacks strategically. Utilize the various weapons and abilities at your disposal to gain the upper hand in battle. Remember to aim for headshots whenever possible to maximize your damage output.

Obtaining the Rosco Revolver:

After defeating Dodger and his guards, it's time to secure your reward. Search Dodger's body to find the coveted Rosco revolver. The Rosco is categorized as a Tier 5 Iconic Power Revolver with exceptional stats that make it a formidable weapon:

  • - +150% headshot damage multiplier: The Rosco's unique design allows for precise headshots, resulting in a significant increase in damage dealt.
  • - +50% critical damage: With an enhaneed critical damage modifier, the Rosco is deadly in the hands of a skilled player.
  • - Ideal for dispatching low-tier enemies efficiently: The Rosco's high headshot damage multiplier makes it perfect for quickly eliminating low-tier enemies with precision shots.

The Rosco revolver provides tremendous advantages when completing side quests and progressing through Cyberpunk 2077's main story. Whether you choose stealth or combat, obtaining this powerful weapon will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience. So gear up, make your choice, and get ready to wield the fearsome Rosco revolver in your Cyberpunk adventures. Remember, the choices you make in Cyberpunk 2077 shape your character's journey. Embrace the challenges and enjoy the thrilling world of Phantom Liberty. As you navigate the dangerous streets of Dogtown, the Rosco revolver will become an invaluable tool, allowing you to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious. So grab your cybernetic enhancements, load your weapons, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in Cyberpunk 2077.

Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox Series X y S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 PS5, PlayStation 4 PS4,Stadia
Action, role-playing RPG
CD Projekt RED
CD Projekt, Epic Games Store, Stadia, GeForce Now, Steam,, Humble Store, Microsoft Store, Pl
REDengine 4
Release date:
December 10, 2020
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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