Lidia Rozo
2021-10-21 08:03:16

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We are still immersed in the changes of Call of Duty Warzone and therefore we talk about the best Swiss K31 loadout for season 6.

Why apply the best Swiss K31 loadout for season 6 in Call of Duty Warzone?

Because this simply allows us to make this weapon an artifact that is truly dangerous for enemies, this Swiss rifle has some characteristics that make it interesting, such is the case of firing speed or mobility, in this sense, we must consider that applying some additional accessories can make it become a real machine.

What is the best Swiss K31 loadout for season 6 in Call of Duty Warzone?

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  • Muzzle: GRU suppressor: this accessory allows us to achieve better speed of the bullets, in addition to considerably increasing the speed and as if this were not enough it allows us to stay hidden in the mimnimap.
  • Barrel: 24.9 ″ Combat Recon: this accessory allows us to increase the speed and range of the bullets.
  • Laser: SWAT 5Mw laser: this accessory allows us to considerably increase the speed of ADS.
  • Under the barrel: Bruiser grip: this accessory offers us the advantage of being able to speed up our game.
  • Rear handle: Seprent handle: this accessory allows us to achieve more mobility while we are carrying the best cargo.


What are the perks of having the best Swiss K31 loadout for season 6 in Call of Duty Warzone?

  •  Double time: this quality allows us to increase the tactical sprint, in addition to the speed while we are crouching, which can make us become much more aggressive.
  • Excess power and then phantom: these are two qualities that go hand in hand, on the one hand Excess power allows us to make use of two primary weapons, while Phantom usually allows us to hide from enemy UAVs or simply from the heartbeat.
  • Magnification: this quality is undoubtedly one of the most interesting advantages, this because it allows us to change weapons as quickly as possible that our enemies will not be able to notice it.


 Knowing the best equipment for the Swiss K31 for season 6 allows us to consider that this weapon has had some improvements and weaknesses in Call of Duty Warzone where the “Recoil adjustment” can be highlighted where it is possible that the change goes unnoticed because it does not usually have greater impact on the effectiveness of the weapon.

 Now that you know the best Swiss K31 loadout for season 6 it is possible to apply these accessories and thus continue to take advantage of Call of Duty Warzone.

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