Paola Leon
2024-06-11 20:41:17

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to get Stat Cubes in Anime Last Stand.

Anime Last Stand presents you with a dynamic and fun world where you can test all your skills as a player as you explore all the surprises that this game has to offer. One of the fundamental aspects is to improve the characteristics of your units, which will give you a large number of advantages as you play, and for this you will need The Stat Cubes.

You will need to get a large number of cubes in order to improve your unit's statistics to S+. Despite this, not all players know how they can obtain these elements, which is why we explain how you can farm stat cubes quickly in the game.

How to get Stat Cubes in Anime Last Stand

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Primary Method: Infinite Mode

  • Infinite Mode offers the highest potential Stat Cube drop rate, reaching 15% after surpassing wave 20. 
  • However, this mode presents a significant challenge. Ensure your team composition boasts legendary units with optimal techniques to endure the later waves.

Secondary Methods

  • Daily/Weekly Challenges: Completing these challenges frequently grants Stat Cubes as rewards. Regularly check the challenges and prioritize those offering guaranteed Stat Cubes.
  • Unit Evolution: Evolving specific units, like Gojo, guarantees a Stat Cube. Consider factors like farmable evolution materials when choosing units to evolve. Gojo is a popular choice due to the accessibility of Six Eyes and Spirit Shards.

Additional Considerations

  • Special Events: Anime Last Stand often hosts events that provide Stat Cubes as rewards or increase drop rates in specific modes. Stay informed about ongoing events to capitalize on these opportunities.
  • AFK Grinding Strategies (Use with Caution): While some strategies allow for minimal input farming in Infinite Mode or other modes, their effectiveness is subject to change through future patches. Utilize such strategies at your own discretion.

Maximizing Efficiency:

By employing a combination of these methods, players can significantly increase their Stat Cube acquisition rate. Prioritize Infinite Mode for the highest potential yield when your team is sufficiently robust. Regularly complete daily and weekly challenges for consistent Stat Cube income. Finally, consider unit evolution as a method to enhance specific units while acquiring Stat Cubes.

This is everything you need to know about How to get Stat Cubes in Anime Last Stand, following this guide it will surely be easier for you to grow these cubes so that you can obtain a large number of them and in this way, considerably improve your statistics within of the game, all this, while having fun with the adventures that Anime Last Stand has for you.

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