We welcome you to our guide on How to Solo Spine of Deathwing in World of Warcraft in a specific and detailed way.
One of the new playstyles that have emerged in World of Warcraft involves soloing any of the older raids from earlier expansions if you're a player wanting to level up your mount, pet, toy, or transmog collection.
Raids with mechanics that prevent soloing-such as mind control or activities requiring two or more players-take longer to become soloable than others. While most encounters are updated in the end to be soloable, there is one fight that can be problematic even today. That encounter occurs during Spine of Deathwing, the second-to-last boss in Cataclysm's Dragon Soul raid. This is how you can complete the encounter solo if you can't manage to do it alone.
Deep within the Caverns of Time is access to Dragon Soul. Everything related to the Cataclysm is located in the northeast area of the Caverns of Time. Unlike in newer raids, there are no Deathwing bypasses in here; you'll be killing every single one of these enemies before you reach him.
If you are prone to motion sickness, make sure you speak with the Motion Sick Peon, next to Sky Captain Swayze. You can get a potion from that NPC which makes encounters like Spine of Deathwing without motion effects.
Inoculation As you fly in towards the Maelstrom, you're going to be landing on his back to start this encounter. Corruption takes the form of four blazing tentacles. You're going to kill three of these, and you're going to stand in that one's location. For as long as you're standing in it, you're going to get a debuff put on you that keeps you from sliding off the back of Deathwing. For the time being, you can just ignore the fourth and final tentacle.
First things first, take a moment and find your cardinal directions. You should be aware of which direction his head's rear is situated, so that you will not find yourself in an incorrect position later on.
While the Tentacles spawn from the same glowing areas, lesser mobs known as Corrupted Bloods will pop from those locations as well. Now, pause. Kill the tentacles but always leave one up so newer Corrupted Bloods spawn quickly since they will respawn every now and then. Leave the Corrupted Bloods up for now. They can only do 1 point of damage per hit and will never kill you at Level 80.
Deathwing's going to be trying to shake you off his back by rolling around a lot while you're waiting. If you're not in a position where Deathwing's tentacles are going to be when he rolls, you die the instant that something goes wrong. When Deathwing rolls, the Hideous Amalgamations that spawn from killing tentacles fall off, but the Corrupted Bloods do not.
Do not attack until nine or more Corrupted Bloods have spawned. Kill the tentacle once Deathwing has finished rolling to create a new Hideous Amalgamation. At this point, the encounter becomes confusing since many things will be moving around.
The Corrupted Bloods need to be killed either before or right after the spawning of the Hideous Amalgamation. Wherever they die, blazing balls will remain to commemorate their death. Do not kill the Hideous Amalgamation yet but instead, enrage it and move it towards the fireballs. Next to the nameplate of the Hideous Amalgamation is a counter and by now you might have already noticed it. Every time the Hideous Amalgamation absorbs a Corrupted Blood, this counter goes up by one, to a maximum of nine.
When the countdown reaches nine, a blazing sphere will spawn on the Hideous Amalgamation. To kill the Abomination, position it on the plate closest to Deathwing's head and pull it as close as possible to you. If he is pulled close enough to the plate, he breaks loose showing a Burning Tendon. Quickly target the Burning Tendon and burn or use an AOE ability on the tendons. The plate will flutter off Deathwing.
Here you'll repeat the process two more times. With each plate you remove your space is made greater and eventually Corrupted Bloods spawn faster, too. The third and second plates will drop faster, since the Hideous Amalgamation can be charged sooner, of course. Be mindful of when Deathwing's gonna be rolling in a specific direction as you do this,. You can't use the tethering sites because they are too far away and you will end up losing the Hideous Amalgamation that you have been stacking.
You can completely avoid Deathwing from rolling by dashing left then right again. While you are dashing left and right look for the Corrupted Bloods; kiting a Hideous Amalgamation with their corpses is key. Keep in mind that Deathwing always rolls the opposite direction of which you're running, so if he's about to roll left, take a right turn; if he's going to roll right, veer left.
Continuing to wipe the Corrupted Bloods, one will walk you through them as a Hideous Amalgamation. Well, when you kill the Hideous Amalgamation, you will actually burn the Burning Tendon. If you have done all of the above in the most ideal manner, well you succeeded with the encounter and are ready for a final face off against Deathwing.
It's best not to try to two-man this encounter with the tentacles in order not to get stunned for 30 seconds; no one else will be able to save you two before Deathwing rolls and kills you both.
You won't find any mounts in the Spine of Deathwing encounter, but the Madness of Deathwing encounter follows that one and drops two. Both Normal and Heroic difficulties will drop the Blazing Drake, but only Heroic drops the Life-Binder's Handmaiden. Of course, you're required to clear the Spine of Deathwing before access to this much easier battle is granted.
In conclusion, knowing How to Solo Spine of Deathwing in World of Warcraft is interesting because it allows us to develop more in this great game.