Welcome to our guide on How to Complete Tracking Quest and Trail’s Gone Cold in World of Warcraft in a specific and detailed way.
In the third part of the World of Warcraft Anniversary Guest Relations plot, you continue helping Rexxar find the fugitive Scrapes, just like you did in the previous task. Here is how to finish the Guest Relations quests Tracking Quest and The Trail's Gone Cold in World of Warcraft, much like previously, there are a lot of clues to find and follow.
Along with the mission from Alyx, you will find a letter from Rexxar that details your journey to Northrend. Put on your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap and go 44 degrees north and 36 degrees east. A Goblin Transport vessel will be waiting for you a short distance down the beach from where you encountered Scrapes and Herrkrop in the previous quest. You can adjust your Thinking Cap when you land on an ice slab; to reach the Unu'pe docks, you'll have to fly to the north. After that, keep going 27 degrees north until you reach a camp, and just to your west of that camp, you should see Rexxar. Put your quest aside and take up the new one called The Trail's Gone Cold.
The first quest step is easy since Rexxar has been generous enough to label your map with the location instead of providing you coordinates to follow. Visit the designated cottage outside of En'Kilah Temple City and set your Torch of Pyrreth toy in motion. The adjacent wisps will disturb your Idol of Ohn'ahra toy, while the torch will lead you to Pages 4 and 7 of a Torn Diary. Use the whistle Rexxar gave you to summon him. He'll tell you to head east, where you'll see Page 6 of the diary hidden in a bush. After considering all the factors, it is clear that Sholazar Basin is the place where you may find beautiful crystals in a humid environment.
To add the Glimmering Pillar and Nesingwary Base Camp to your map, head north to the Basin and summon Rexxar again. Talking to the innkeeper in base camp will tell you that Scrapes went north, and at the top of the Pillar, your Idol of Ohn'ahra will point you in the direction of a spyglass in Icecrown that targets Jotunheim. Return to the Vrykul stronghold and call upon Rexxar once more to have the location of Scrapes' hideout noted on the map. You can locate your Idol, Scrapes' body, and two pairs of footsteps in the fortress's south-facing wing if you follow your path there again. Choose the option that suggests a shapeshifter to advance, and then summon Rexxar to explain your conclusions. To return the task to Alyx, return to the Anniversary Grounds.
For help with earlier Guest Relations missions, such as Tat Big Meanie and The Great Detective, see Siliconera's guides if you liked this one or found it helpful.
In conclusion, knowing How to Complete Tracking Quest and Trail’s Gone Cold in World of Warcraft is interesting because it helps us progress further in this incredible game.