Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How To Get Clay in Towers of Aghasba so that you can get your hands on this useful material.
In Dreamlit Inc.'s Towers of Aghasba, a young builder must amass an immense amount of resources in order to finish landmarks and construct various constructions. While it's exciting to become a junior apprentice and work alongside Ajit and Culkin, you'll have to be fast with your material gathering. Clay, an earthen clump with a terracotta hue, is one of these vital components.
It takes some time and work to find Clay, just like many other items in the game. To acquire it, players must first find it, and then they must use a specific tool. If you want to know where to find Clay in Towers of Aghasba, you should keep reading this article.
How To Get Clay
Gathering Clay Mounds, which are either big or tiny mounds of clay, alongside trees or bodies of water in the Towers of Aghasba is the best way to find clay. The good news is that this parched island can still grow trees without establishing an ecosystem. For new players, the world is rife with lifeless trees and vegetation.
Initial, find a group of Clay Mounds close to some Dead Slim Trees and Dead Pastu Trees on the backside of Amani Island's initial settlement. The East Coast and other riverbanks will be dotted with more and more Clay Mounds as you go on. To harvest a Clay Mound, just press the 'E' button when you see one. A Stone Shovel is required for the collection of Clay from a mound, as a brief heads-up. To everyone's relief, this shovel is really simple to construct. The following materials are required to create a Stone Shovel in Towers of Aghasba:
- 2 Stones (you can obtain these by breaking stone boulders).
- Three sticks (they're lying around).
- 2 Fibre (collected from plants)
Gathering Clay is the next step after acquiring a Stone Shovel. It may take a few attempts to completely harvest the Clay from each mound, but once you do, it's worth it. On very rare occasions, you may even be able to dig out usable Clay. Be cautious—the mound regions are known to be spider-infested—and carry your Wooden Bow just in case. Since new Clay Mounds don't appear for a while, it's best to stock up if you come across one; you can always put unused portions in storage.
Methods for Working with Aghasba's Towers of Clay
Towers of Aghasba's Compost Sheds and Cob are two examples of the many useful construction materials made from clay. By converting animal manure into a fertilizer, you can hasten the maturation of your crops in a compost shed. The following items are required to construct the Compost Shed in-game:
- 3 Stones
- Get 2 pieces of tree bark by cutting down trees.
- Thatch (choose shrubs to use as it)
- 10 Dung (animal feed for this purpose)
Contrarily, cob is a mass of materials utilized to meet orders in the construction industry. What you'll need to whip up some cob is:
Having a sufficient supply of Clay is, thus, absolutely necessary for the rapid construction of structures.
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