Players will instantly search for how to get better tools as soon as possible. This guide will teach you how to make iron tools in Towers of Aghasba, which is what you need to do for that.
While exploring Towers of Aghasba, players will come across recipes for iron tool upgrades. The first time they show up, though, it's not exactly clear how to use them. Luckily, you won't have to wait very long for them to become available; however, before you can do that, you need to restore Midhaven and fix the Lutoro Bridge. You can find the materials and schematics for these better tools in the game's second settlement.
To obtain iron tools, players need to construct a Blacksmith. This is a Tier Two Midhaven building, which means it can be built once the player has settled onto the mainland. First, complete the Tier One requirements for a Lumber Mill and Tailor. Then collect the following: 15.0 g of Iron Ore A trio of gold dust
Once the facility is active, you will be permitted to craft several items, such as an iron spear and three key iron instruments, among other things. The trio of tools, namely the Iron Shovel, Pickaxe, and Hatchet, take an added amount of Two Iron Ore, one Metal Rod, and two Fiber each.
By this stage of the game, the only thing that players won't know is how to get a Metal Rod, thankfully. Use the Smelting Forge at the Blacksmith to get it. A player needs three coal, six wood, and one iron ore to fashion three metal rods.
Wood is easy enough to come by and serves many purposes, but Coal and Iron Ore may require a bit of searching to acquire. Coal Mounds are plainly visible to the east and south of Midhaven if you're out exploring the terrain around town. Iron Ore is best sourced early in the game by backtracking to Amani Island and exploring the southern coastline. Every run has three or four orange Iron Boulders containing valuable minerals.
While the iron tools can't be crafted until later in the game, players can still get their hands on one early. To do this, you'll want to head to the extreme northeastern corner of Amani Island.
Just past the webbing-shaped rock formation—behind which is another Enchanted Dung—you can see a lone towering rock. If you climb here, you'll find an Ornate chest containing a random iron tool. There are a few of them in total, each serving a different purpose, but you won't get to choose which one you get.
Now that you know how to get Iron Shovel, Hatchet, and Pickoxe in Towers of Aghasba, apply this guide and voila.