Lidia Rozo
2024-06-18 20:55:47

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In this guide post, we will tell you all about How to Escape Rennick in Still Wakes the Deep.

In the underwater depths of Still Wakes the Deep, you find yourself trapped on an oil rig besieged by cosmic horrors. The lights flicker and the air is filled with palpable tension. Rennick, once a ruthless tyrant, has now transformed into a grotesque monstrosity, spreading terror among the survivors. His giant head floats through the halls, his twitching tentacles searching for his next victim.

How to Escape Rennick in Still Wakes the Deep?

  • Entering the Lair: After entering the Administration module, take the only path available, jumping over low tables for the first time in the game. This is where you will encounter Rennick's terrifying new form.
  • Instinctive Reaction: Don't fall into paralysis like I did upon seeing Rennick's giant head moving with writhing tentacles. Instead, spring into action.
  • Desperate Escape: Turn on your heel and run at top speed. Dash through the rooms, jumping over obstacles and dodging low tables while looking for any open doors that offer shelter.
  • A Temporary Hideout: After passing through several rooms, you'll find an opening at the bottom of a wall. Crouch down and enter to temporarily escape Rennick's grasp. The door on the right will collapse as you enter, blocking the monster's path for a brief moment.
  • Cautious Exploration: Explore this area cautiously. Rennick will be moving above and below you, looking for his prey. Move carefully until you reach a specific spot: the door with a green light above it.
  • Lightning Chase: As you approach the door, Rennick will reappear and pursue you relentlessly. Turn again and run as fast as you can. The floor will give way beneath your feet, causing you to fall to the level below.
  • Last Race for Survival: Recover from your fall and continue running forward. Look for another low opening to crawl through and run to the outer door. Salvation is within reach, but Rennick won't give up easily.


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  • Speed ​​is Key: Rennick is fast, so don't stop for a second. Run relentlessly until you reach the exit.
  • Agility and Reflexes: Watch out for obstacles and low tables as you flee. One stumble could spell doom.
  • Situational Awareness: Pay attention to Rennick's movements to avoid getting caught. Listen to sounds and watch shadows to anticipate his actions.
  • Perseverance and Determination: If you get caught, don't give up. Try again from the last checkpoint and learn from your mistakes.

We conclude this guide for Rennick in Still Wakes the Deep, we are shown a test of bravery and determination. With a little cunning, you can overcome this challenge and emerge victorious from the underwater depths.

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