Angel Marquez
2024-06-26 09:38:17

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We invite you to discover in this guide How to plant the bomb in Bodycam?, an important gaming option.

To win the round in Bodycam's Body Bomb game mode, the attacking team is given a bomb which they must place and protect from defenders. Because the game does not provide instructions or input prompts, beginners may find it difficult at first to figure out how to place the bomb.

How to plant the bomb in Bodycam?

In Body Bomb mode, a random squadmate from the attacking team appears with the bomb. You must hold down the left mouse button (firearm input) until the operator enters the code and activates the bomb. The pump will flash red light once it is active. Use your mouse scroll wheel to browse your inventory if you're not sure if you have the bomb.

How to release and pick up the pump in Bodycam

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After activating/placing the bomb, I suggest you place it in a safe place, where attackers cannot easily reach it; just make sure you protect it. Press G on the keyboard to release the bomb. If you want to move or carry the bomb with you, press E near it and your character will pick it up.

How to use the Bodycam to play the Body Bomb game mode

In this game, players compete between attackers who seek to plant the bomb and defenders who must prevent it from exploding. As attackers, it is possible to take some risk and try to get the bomb closer to the enemy's spawn point so it can explode quickly. To avoid unforeseen attacks, defenders should focus on eliminating the attackers first and then defusing the bomb. If the attackers did not show up, your task as a defender is to eliminate them all.

We can conclude that knowing how to place the bomb is easier than thought, you just have to follow the instructions to get the most out of this element of the game.

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