Paola Leon
2024-04-17 14:10:14

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Today we bring you an explanation about How to build containment facilities in Rimworld Anomaly. Join us!

Rimworld Anamoly offers us a large number of entities. Each one with a minimum restraint force. If we want to exceed our objective, our containment force must be greater than those of those entities.

How can we achieve that? There are countless factors ranging from specific to universal that will help us with respect to containment force.

How to Build Containment Facility in Rimworld Anomaly

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Building Materials:

  • Walls: Prioritize high hit point (HP) materials like igneous rock for baseline containment. Plasteel offers superior defense but necessitates significant resource investment. Bioferrite walls, while fireproof, exhibit lower HP compared to igneous rock.
  • Doors: Utilize a single, high-security door. Ideally, a plasteel security door powered by a dedicated electrical grid provides maximum breach resistance.
  • Holding Platforms: Implement steel holding platforms for a balanced cost-effectiveness. Early-game alternatives include wooden shacks outfitted with steel plates.
  • Flooring: Integrate bioferrite floor plating for an additional containment bonus.

Enhancing Containment Strength:

  • Shard Inhibitors: These high-cost devices deliver potent containment disruption. However, their expense necessitates strategic allocation.
  • Electric Inhibitors: Offering a cost-effective alternative to shard inhibitors, electric inhibitors present a viable early-game containment solution.
  • Cryogenic Systems: Deploy cryogenic coolers to significantly bolster containment for organic entities. The induced hypothermic state effectively hinders escape attempts.
  • Environmental Controls: Implement basic environmental controls like illumination and overhead structures for a minor yet inexpensive containment boost.

Space Optimization:

  • Centralized Entity Storage: Maintain captured entities near the center of a containment chamber to minimize collateral damage during potential breaches.
  • Holding Spot Efficiency: Implement a "just-in-time" approach for holding spot construction. Building only the necessary number ensures optimal containment strength per platform.
  • Captive Clustering: Group captured entities within the effective range of shard inhibitor upgrades for maximized containment disruption.
  • Harvester Limitations: Bioferrite and electroharvesters draw power from a maximum of four platforms. This serves as a suitable upper limit for entities not requiring dedicated containment cells.

Additional Considerations:

  • Layered Wall Defense: While not directly contributing to containment strength, layered walls provide an additional physical barrier against breaches.
  • Single-Door Strategy: Utilize a single, high-security door to minimize potential breach points within the containment chamber.

By adhering to these protocols, you can establish robust containment facilities, ensuring the safety of your colony and the successful study of anomalous entities within Rimworld Anomaly. 

This is everything you need to know about How to build containment facilities in Rimworld Anomaly, by following the steps in our guide you will be satisfied as a player by meeting your objective, so don't wait any longer and dare to build containment facilities.