Once again the central topic of discussion of one of our guides is Pokemon Sword And Shield and we will talk about how to get Flygon.
In Pokemon Sword And Shield there are Pokemon that will be difficult to find, Flygon is an example of this, only for this at least we have the option that we find it in another way, it will not be the same for many, in this case through an evolution, Flygon It has great capabilities in statistics and skills, which will help us in any situation, so that we have better angles, the content of this guide will be based mainly on how to obtain Flygon, so pay attention to what comes next.
How to get Flygon in Pokemon Sword And Shield?
This Pokemon is the final result of the evolution of Trapinch, it turns out to be this Pokémon type Dragon and Earth, when Trapinch reaches level 35 it becomes Vibrara and when it reaches 45 level it becomes Flygon, so this will be one of the options that we will have to obtain this Pokemon, but there is an option which represents a greater challenge, that is to look for it in Dusty Bowl, the detail is that there are very few opportunities for this to appear, therefore evolution must To be the best way for us will lead Trapinch to evolve.
What should we know about Flygon in Pokemon Sword And Shield?
In Flygon we can find good statistics, it has 80 HP, Attack 100, Special Attack 80, Defense 80, Special Defense 80 and the speed is 100, it has good values, so much that we can say that it has great power, but if that were not enough It has very good skills in pressing situations, one of them serves to make a sand shield to protect itself. The passive ability allows him to avoid the ground attacks that come against him, in addition, he has the ability to create a sandstorm to harm the opponents, take care of his eyes from the sand so that they do not suffer blindness, in short Flyon is very strong if his opponents are of the electric, fire, poisonous and rock types, however they are ice type, Fairy and Dragon, he will have difficulties.
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