Daniel Hidalgo
2020-02-13 14:46:54

This time we prepare a guide on Pokémon HOME but to tell you how to judge your Pokémon.

What it takes to judge a Pokémon in Pokémon HOME.

If you want to have this tool, the first thing you should keep in mind is that to use it you will need to buy the premium version of the application. This version has several prices depending on the number of months you want to buy, for one month you will have to pay $ 2.99, for three months you will have to pay $ 4.99 and for 12 months you will have to pay $ 15.99.

The good thing about this version is that it is not the only tool you can count on when you buy the premium.

How to judge your Pokémon in Pokémon HOME.

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To judge your Pokémon what you have to do is go to your Pokémon collection, and on the page of your pictures you will have to choose the Pokémon that you are going to judge. Select it and choose where it says to verify, this will give you a summary of its status and statistics. In the upper left part of this summary the judge function will appear that will allow you to judge it to know how good it is.

Now that you know how to judge your Pokémon in Pokémon Home, you can do it with any of your Pokémon, this will allow you to determine if they are good enough based on their statistics, to later exchange them, transfer them or anything else as long as the application will Allow and want to do.