Daniel Hidalgo
2019-08-23 16:50:11

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 In this guide we will tell you everything you need to know to make a beehive, honeycomb and bottles of honey in Minecraft.

If something interesting in life is bees, they are even in Minecraft, where you can make a beehive, honeycomb and bottles of honey.

Where the Minecraft bees came from.

After a long wait, even many users were able to spend hours and hours searching for bees, they were unsuccessful because they really did not exist. Fortunately, thanks to the addition of Java Minecraft Snapshot 19W34A which will be part of patch 1.15, although they really don't have much use yet, it only replenishes three hunger bubbles and you can turn it into sugar.

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How to make a beehive, honeycomb and bottles of honey in Minecraft?

First of all, to be able to make a bee hive, honeycomb and bottles of honey you have to find the honeycombs. For this we will have to look in areas with many flowers and trees remember that bees feed on the nectar of flowers. If you find a bouquet of flowers on the ground, it is probably because there are bees nearby.

After finding bees it is time to look for the hive, but this you will have to check through the bottom of the trees. To get honey you have to wait for the sheep to fill it with honey.

If you want these to reproduce you can get some flowers and give them to the bees, this will make more sheep feed on the pollen of the flowers and make more honey.

Once the honey begins to drip from the honeycomb you will have to harvest it using scissors, only use the scissors because otherwise you will not be able to get honey. Make sure you have some flowers at hand because the bees will not be happy because you steal their production.

Now that you know how to find them, reproduce them and get their honey, you'll want to know how to create your own hive.

How to create a hive in Minecraft?

Each honeycomb produces three other honeycomb nests, you will need to get those three nests, and you also need six boards of any wood to build your own hive.

To bring sheep to your hive you will need to use a flower to attract it to the place where you placed it. Be sure to place the hive on the ground so that the birds settle in it when they have a little nectar. Also make sure you have as many flowers nearby as you can so that honey production is good.

You can harvest the honeycomb with the scissors just like before or using a bottle, as you can tell making a beehive, honeycomb and honey bottles can seem a long work, however, it is not so much and in fact it is very entertaining .

We hope that our guide on how to make a beehive, honeycomb and honey bottles in Minecraft has been very useful and you know how to take advantage of it.

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