Angel Marquez
2021-05-27 22:00:43

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With our Minecraft guide you will learn more about How to Show Hitboxes.

What to know about Hitboxes in Minecraft?

With the arrival of the recent update we have that everything turns around the hitboxes, something that has not presented changes, but if there are new ways to use them, certainly the hitboxes can only be seen in the Java version, with some capacity You can create a very outstanding form of cultivation and that allows us to defeat our enemies more quickly, so now to know How to show Hitboxes let's see the following content.

How to show Hitboxes in Minecraft?

By just pressing F3 and B on the keyboard at the same time we can both activate and deactivate them in Minecraft, but as long as it is in the Java edition, as for How to show Hitboxes it should be noted that they are presented by a white line that allows the formation of a box around those who are watching, they do not coincide with the exactness of the entities, they even protrude from the parts of the body, it is important when hitting an entity that has a hitboxe because in this way is that they will be caused damage, it is possible by knowing How to show Hitboxes that we see what the entities visualize, which consists of a red rectangle that surrounds the head, so it is not possible to sneakily reach the monsters, because they have eyes in the back of the head, through the blue line we can see the visual direction of the entity in Minecraft.

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The suffocation is related to the hitboxes so that this is present or not, this type of damage causes a solid block to enter the space of the head of us or NPC, which can be seen in a red rectangle, as for How show Hitboxes it must be taken into account that the Ender Dragon has a hitbox that has 3 different colors, which is delimited by a white square, this being the contact area, only that trying to cause damage to the boss turns out to be something different in comparison to the other mobs, in its body the green squares turn out to be the area that we can damage, which will help us to defeat the boss, in turn it has a great line of sight, which allows to have all the sides covered, which can be a problem, now to see the usefulness of knowing How to show Hitboxes we have to consider the different ways below:

  • The damage caused: through these we can determine in Minecraft the places in which we can cause damage to the enemies, but we must bear in mind that certain enemies such as ghosts do not have these in the expected impact zone, so we must not lose time on them.
  • The tactics in retirement: sometimes even though we know how to show Hitboxes, the fact of escaping becomes necessary, because mobs can overcome us, then we will use hitboxes to lose the line of sight on us and avoid being seen while doing something like building a wall.
  • The rapid cultivation: it is a way to achieve drops more quickly, being able to notice the ideal blocks for baby animals compared to large ones, easily having a farm created automatically in Minecraft.
  • Destroy objects: it must be taken into account that objects have their hitboxes, which will gain a lot of value from knowing the interaction and where they are, because it is possible to destroy even a mob, an NPC or transport with the hitbox of said object while in turn avoiding the proximity of another.

Finally, now that we know how to show Hitboxes we can continue the fun that is constant in Minecraft.

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