Lidia Rozo
2024-06-13 11:01:53

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In this guide entry we will explain everything you need to know about How to find rainbow roses in Genshin Impact.

The rainbow rose is a local Fontaine specialty and is vital to some characters in addition to being a beautiful flower. If you want to upgrade the Ascension level of characters like Arlecchino or Lyney, it is essential to collect every Rainbow Rose in Genshin Impact. To get the most out of each one, you'll need a lot of them. Even if you are not actively farming, always try to collect all the items from wherever you are along the way. This way, you won't have to suffer through searching every corner for items and then waiting for it to respawn.

How to find rainbow roses in Genshin Impact?

For example, the main door of the Fontaine Court has the seven Roses. Then, walk west of town to get the next 10 roses. These will spread across the flower field. One can be found under trees, bushes or lamps in the nearby area. Others will go to the kiosk. Follow the dirt road if you need help.

Continue northwest, near the end of the map. Follow the path until you reach the mountain, where you can see the city surrounded by large sunflowers. The 15 most recent roses stand out as decoration of the area. Following the path, you will find some Roses near other flowers or lamps. Be careful because there are a lot of Dendro Slime near the flowers.

The source is Lucine.

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Using the Fontaine of Lucine teleport point, head south as if you were going to the Opera Epiclese. After walking along the path that surrounds the fountain, crossing the decorative gardens and near the pine trees, you can find up to nine Roses. To get there faster, you can use the Teleport Waypoint at Marcotte Station. One of the Roses is near the Waypoint, while the other two are closer to the Aquabuss station, where the NPC policeman is located.

Then, use the teleport waypoint from the kinetic energy engineering region on the Fontaine Research Institute mountain. When you appear, there will be two roses to the right of you towards two pieces of white steel. There will be another among the pines in front of you. Near where the path meets the enemies, there will be a mix of bushes and lavender-like plants; There will be another rose hidden.

Now, use the teleport waypoint located near the lake in the kinetic energy engineering region of the Fontaine Research Institute. Following the path towards Loch Urania, you will reach a house surrounded by sunflowers and four pink rainbows. One of them is further away and heads towards a puddle between the trees.

Elynas and the western branches of Mont Automnequi.

After teleporting to Elynas Mountain and descending to the south, the first two roses are found near a portal that has collapsed. Continue towards the Statue of the Seven for more roses. Continuing towards the lake, you will find six more roses. Afterwards, teleport to Waypoint, which is located in the Beryl region, southeast of Elynas. Between the houses there are seven roses.

Continue over the Fire Emperor and Iron Boss area to the island under the bridge. There will be four Roses in the area. To find the location of the last five Rainbow Roses, use the Teleport Waypoint on the West Slopes Mountain and descend to the south.

We are ending this guide on finding rainbow roses in Genshin Impact, so embark on this quest and get the most out of it.

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