Daniel Hidalgo
2019-02-11 23:36:03

The brand Watch Dogs 3, are announced hastily for future PlayStation 5 PS5 and Xbox Two. Ubisoft announced a new brand for its "Watch Dogs" franchise, which has created speculation that Watch Dogs 3 is already in development.
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As ComicBook highlights, the YouTuber SkullziTV, was the one who unveiled Ubisoft's new brand finding in a live broadcast. Saying that this is a totally new application that is not associated with the registered trademarks that Ubisoft already has. The Youtuber says the reason is that Ubisoft plans to launch Watch Dogs 3 on consoles that neither Microsoft nor Sony have officially announced, so if this were true somehow, then we will not be able to wait for the game to launch before 2020 .

It is not new that the developers are working on a new game, since last year some cryptic tracks confirmed that indeed they were working on the development of the new videogame of the "Watch Dogs" series. Without envergo the developers have not made an official pronouncement regarding the video game, so the theories have not been made wait.

One of them says that the video game will be based in London, this is the special end of a mocking way of Watch Dogs 2, another theory says that it will be starring a young girl named Sarah, (the latter is not very reliable because it comes from an image published anonymously in a forum).

Ubisoft was expected to make announcements of its launch at E3 2018. However, the conference came, but the ads did not.