Daniel Hidalgo
2019-10-18 13:27:20

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In this guide you will find the answer to How to kill Champions in Destiny 2.

  What are the champions of Destiny 2?

Unlike what many might think, in Destiny 2 champions they are not the ones who manage to win and take the trophy, instead it is a very powerful new type of enemy that is divided into three barrier classes, overload and unstoppable.

These enemies represent the most complex and strong fighting to face, but as long as you use what is necessary there will be a crack to end them.

We have started to investigate and we have found the answer to How to kill Champions easily and then we will tell you.

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How to kill Champions in Destiny 2?

If you ask yourself How to kill Champions you should know that the only way to do it is by using the new mods, including the seasonal Gate Lord's Eye device, but each mod produces one of the following three effects.

  • Unstoppable Rounds
  • Anti-Barrier Rounds
  • Overload Rounds

The Champion Barrier is the most feared class of this enemy, as it can be protected with an impenetrable shield that allows it to heal while covered. For this particular enemy you will use the anti-barrier rounds mod with automatic rifles, submachine guns or hand cannons, shoot when the enemy is covered to heal without stopping, this will prevent his healing and with a good amount of shots his shield will break, For this we recommend using The Recluse.

Overload Champions is super powerful and almost impenetrable, for this enemy the mod Overload Rounds comes perfect, use it with automatic rifles, submachine guns and bows.

Attack enough until it overloads and becomes stunned and vulnerable so we recommend keeping the fire open without stopping.

Unstoppable champions, they are completely unstoppable, unless you use the Unstoppable hand cannon mod to load your weapon with an unstoppable round little by little until you eliminate it.

 This is how our guide on How to kill Champions ends in Destiny 2, we hope it has been very useful for you. Remember that we have a lot of content about this and other titles that we recommend you review to keep constantly advancing in your favorite games.

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