Angel Marquez
2020-05-15 16:29:51

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Today we bring you a Destiny 2 guide, with the proposal of the explanation of How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman

Throughout our journey through the Destiny 2 we have come across an endless number of outstanding missions, in which we have committed a lot of game time, both simple and complex, in Destiny 2 it will not be the exception, this time our purpose is understanding How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, answers that will be indicated in the following content of this guide.

What do you know about fixing the Broken Awoken Talisman in Destiny 2?

Among the first missions that we will find is this of the Broken Alarm Clock Talisman, which is important to be repaired, in order to have access to the dream city, there is much to discover and see in this mission, so we have to pay our attention In the content that helps us understand How to fix the Broken Alarm Clock Talisman, let's move on to the answers.

How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman in Destiny 2?

  • The Abandonment Campaign Completed: We need to be able to complete the Abandonment Campaign, for this it is necessary to beat the 8 Barons of Contempt in the Abandoned Expansion, so we must count on this if we want to solve How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, a Once we start at the level of the prison of the elders, we will arrive at the point of the tangled coast, where we will go after those who killed Cayde-6, included in some missions, that when we complete them we will arrive at the unlocking of the dreamy city only that it is It is necessary to finish with some bosses in which is Uldren Sov, in this way we will get to get the Talisman once we complete this mission in Destiny 2.

  • Lost sector - AWO-43 Shipyard: It is necessary that we get the fragments if we want to carry out the repair of the Talisman, this will tell us Spider, where there are 3 that we must find, for this we must search in the lost sectors, first what we will have in the AWO-43 Shipyard in the Saturn Jetsam, in the central part of this area we must go, finding a few rocks, in which it is possible to find one of these that has a mark of the lost sector, which leads us now to go through a cave very close to here and we have to clear the entire area in the end, beating a boss who will give us the opportunity to access a chest and thus find this first fragment.

  • Lost sector - empty tank: Looking for the answer to How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman we are in the second lost sector, here we have to go to Landing of thieves and the spider, where we enter the closest door to our right, which places us In the empty tank sector, where the respectful fragment is located, we have to keep alert to a banjo music, more precise could be a music by Paul McCartney called Hope for the future, in case it is difficult for us to find it, everything whatever crosses our path we must neutralize it, before confronting the head of the fallen vandals we must end many enemies, the matter at the end leads us to the chest that is in the room on the right below and we find the corresponding fragment in Destiny 2 .

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  • Lost sector - Trapper's Cave: We are missing a single fragment, which will take us to the sector of the lost Trapper's cave to get it, this is Jan Four-Horn Gulch, it is necessary that we eliminate the obstacles towards the chest, at the moment of that we notice the vegetation that is covering all the surroundings, it is indicative of the precise sector, here are some beasts of the cabal asleep at the beginning, it is ideal that we arrive carefully or we finish them once and for all, we will arrive at a room in which we will meet the centurion boss, killing him we access the chest with the obtained codes.

  • Aether Harvest: One of the steps to follow regarding How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, is the need to complete the public event called the Aether Harvest, where it is key that we eliminate Scorn when defending a device , this leads us to defeat the 3 Caciques of the event, in the ravine of the 4 horns on the tangled coast is where we have to complete this event in Destiny 2, if we try it in any other area it will not be valid, it is necessary to have A weapon that helps us beat the Chieftans and the enemies, will serve us for that purpose Riskrunner.

  • Spider: At this point of Destiny 2 we are going to visit Spider, we will complete this part of the mission in order to solve How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, here we have that Spider is going to perform the Talisman repair with the energy to cultivate in the step Finally, when talking to him, he will indicate that Petra is waiting for us in the City of Dreams, thus having access to a new mission that is part of history. When we complete it, we will have been successful in this solution.

  • Buzz of starlight: Petra Vendj requires our help, in order to light the Queen's Oracle, which will allow her to speak to Mara Sov, but before that we need to access the fortress and thus give her our support, which puts in the last level of the abandonment campaign once again, only that the enemies that we will meet this time will be easier to defeat, we will go through a scene in Destiny 2 that deals with a portal that will send them to the city of dreams, The enemies that we meet must be eliminated, until we meet Petra, we will kill a Chieftam of derision here, then make the presentation of the Offering to the Oracle of the queen, which allows us to receive an object randomly and will have unlocked the entire area.

  •  Shattered Throne Dungeon: At this point we will have everything solved regarding How to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, now we will give you one more utility in relation to a major secret, we now access the shattered throne dungeon, this is in the directory of the city of dreams, it is a mission that playing it individually will be a great challenge with difficulty, so the indicated weapons and armor we have to carry, when we kill Vorgeth, we will go to an awake statue and here we will present the Talisman, what puts us on the road to a new quest and the prize we will get when completing it is the Exotic Wish-Ender Bow.

 Finally, now that we know how to fix the Broken Awoken Talisman, we can move on to Destiny 2.

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