Ambar Jimenez
2022-12-21 11:47:49

Today, skins have become a full-fledged part of CS:GO. A whole exchange market has formed, and prices for some items can reach $50,000. Some things can even be called "assets" that will constantly grow in value, and the purchase of which can bring you great benefits.

You can get free skin in CS:GO only by participating in sweepstakes and promotions, in championships or while watching broadcasts. Other methods already imply full-fledged earnings, which can only be obtained with investments.

How to get skins for free?

One of the easiest ways is to register on specialized sites. If you go to them every day, you can have good bonuses. Some resources even offer daily free skins.


You can participate in a draw or get a cosmetic item when watching some broadcasts. In some cases, expensive chests pop up, opening which you can suddenly get rich.

However, a points system on Twitch allows you to accumulate points for watching and spend them on items. It is an agreement between the author, the owner of the channel, and his viewer. By collecting the required number of points, you can exchange them for items, including expensive knives.

A bonus to the accumulation of points is paid subscriptions to the channel. With their help, you can increase your points. The system is transparent and logical, and the streamer pays off thanks to sponsorship programs and your views.
We won't list the names of the streamers, just say that, usually, in the title of their broadcasts, it is written that you can get a cosmetic item from them.

Practical jokes

A bland but worth-mentioning option to get a skin in CS:GO. Streamers, sites, public, and draws often aim for reposting, subscription, and so on. They are not always honest and transparent, but the more the resource values ​​its reputation, the higher the chance to still get the coveted item.

Draws have been and will always be everywhere. Thus, the authors get a significant increase in the audience, so giving someone a knife does not seem like a substantial loss for them. In the long run, they will earn much more.
You can participate in the skins draw in CS:GO in streamers’ accounts, in various publics, on information resources, and in general, almost everywhere. There is also an understanding of a "closed draw," in which you can take part only by fulfilling special conditions, for example, buying a subscription, being a follower, or making money on the first deposit of a site. People do win expensive things, but you should understand that other participants besides you also hope to win.

Third Party Sites

There are some sites with the opening of cases, pseudo-roulette, and so on. You can often get a significant first deposit bonus or even a free skin. Naturally, they cannot be withdrawn more often, and you will have to play them, but some of you may be lucky.

It also includes BC and bonuses that you can get. However, be careful because to withdraw, you must be of legal age and pass verification in the BC - confirmation of your identity.

CS:GO Tournaments

You can take part in tournaments both in third-party services and in the same Faceit. As a rule, rewards in small competitions are either cosmetic items - skins - or components for the PC. Sometimes the organizers offer participants a monetary reward.


There are no secret methods to get skins in CS:GO for free. Everything is on the surface; something more depends on luck, but somewhere you will need specific skills, prudence, and a cool head. In this article, we tried to give you information, and you have already decided what will be better and easier for you.