Astro’s Playroom: How to get all artefact in GPU Jungle - Ultimate Guide

Lidia Rozo
2020-11-25 08:56:26

Astro’s Playroom has arrived and with it comes the need to tell you how to get all the artifacts in GPU jungle

What's the point of getting all the artifacts in GPU jungle in Astro’s Playroom?

  Undoubtedly, this works in a certain way as a kind of tribute specifically to what the PS4 has been and all the boom that it has achieved throughout the time that it has been in force so that today it is necessary to know how to get all the artifacts in the GPU jungle because over time and since its launch itself it has managed to include some series of changes and modifications that have made it worthy of multiple memories.

How to get all artifacts in GPU jungle in Astro’s Playroom?

 Artifacts in the Render Forest.

 Movement controller PS Move: It is necessary to locate the entrance to a small enough cave where it is necessary to choose to fly the windmill that usually appears in the vines because with it we can enter to pull the large cables to take this controller, this usually happens when we start the level being near the cliff, all we do is take a look to see an area on the horizon on our right side, where a polygonal T-Rex can be observed.

PS Vita game package: There is a hidden room that hides a game cartridge, it is only necessary to choose to hit the wall where we can see how the lyrics of the background song are revealed, for this it is necessary to hug the wall until reaching to the area to which it is possible to jump, to reach the room of said wall, only this can only be located once we have managed to pass the ladder with the plug that rolls towards us in Astro’s Playroom.


 Artifacts from the canopies of Teraflop trees.

 PS Camera: We continue our journey to learn how to obtain all the artifacts in the GPU jungle since this species we find after reaching the top bar since it reveals it to us as a collectible, for which it is necessary to go to the first checkpoint with the monkey suit, then it is necessary to move to the left where we have the opportunity to take the puzzle piece and move up the left side to choose to take the salad path that can take us to the bar.

The Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller: it is necessary to choose to grab the bar after passing through the coins at the bottom to reveal this controller, as this search in Astro’s Playroom leads us to leave the location of the previous device and move through from the main road to take a piece of the puzzle that is in front of us, from there it is only necessary to move on the right side to swing towards the white pedestal, this usually reveals a path that is hidden with some revolving walls. which leads us to reach the puzzle piece on the right side and choose to let it go over the line of coins.

Platform(s): PlayStation 5 PS5
Genre(s): 3D platformer
Developer(s): SIE Japan Studio
Publisher(s):Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: November 12, 2020
Mode: Single-player
age rating (PEGI): 3+

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