How to Make Aluminum Alloy in Astroneer

Daniel Hidalgo
2024-11-25 08:18:55

The amount of resources that players have access to in Astroneer is so vast that it can be a touch daunting at times. Players have access to a variety of resources. Maintaining a balance between the many gasses that are found on each planet, minerals that are only found on one or two worlds, and composite resources that require three to four steps to construct can be a tough task, but it can also be rewarding.

Aluminum Alloy is a composite material that players will require a significant amount of in sufficient quantities. The players will only need to travel to another planet once in order to create this resource, which is a really positive development. In addition, the production of aluminum alloy just requires two steps, which is another piece of excellent news. In addition to being wonderful news, there is no bad news to report.

Astroneer: How to Make Aluminum Alloy

Aluminum alloy is a resource that can be crafted in Astroneer with a reasonable amount of ease. In the Chemistry Lab, production of it is not difficult at all. There is a requirement for the following materials:

Smelting can be done from laterite to produce aluminum. The caves of each of the game's planets contain laterite, which can be found there.

Molten copper can be obtained by melting malachite. Calidor and Sylva, the planet that serves as the starting point, both contain malachite. In hilly places and in caverns that are rather deep, this mineral can be found. It is really uncommon to find.

Despite the fact that both of these resources can be discovered in Sylva, the Chemistry Lab that is required to mix them requires Tungsten, which can only be produced from Wolframite for the Chemistry Lab. Because wolframite may be found on both Calidor and Desolo, it is necessary for players to travel away from their home planet before they can even consider the possibility of making any kind of aluminum alloy.

Where in Astroneer one might make use of aluminum alloy

Aluminum alloy, in contrast to other composite resources, is made available to the player as soon as they have access to a Chemistry Lab. In order to gain access to a Chemistry Lab, the player must travel to either Desolo or Calidor. After acquiring the resources necessary to construct it, players have the opportunity to acquire a significant amount of Aluminum Alloy; however, is it worth the effort to do so?

In a nutshell, the answer is yes, without a doubt. Aluminum alloy is utilized in the production of a wide range of items, including but not limited to Jump Jets, Pavers, Wind Turbines, and Rovers from the United States. The following is a comprehensive list of some of the products that can only be crafted with aluminum alloy:

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