Paola Leon
2024-06-09 18:36:21

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about How to unlock the mechanism with the remote-controlled doll device in Wuthering Waves.

Within the incredible and exciting world of Wuthering Waves you will find a large number of challenges that you will have to overcome to continue advancing in the different adventures that the game presents to you, and one of these challenges will be found in Yinlin Companion Story: Solitry Path.

Here you will be taken to a challenging doll factory where you will be introduced to a new but exciting puzzle mechanic. You will have to use a remote-controlled doll to complete the objectives set for you in the exploration. Although the above may sound a bit complex, you should not worry, since in this guide I will show you how you can unlock this mechanism, so what are you waiting for? Keep reading and find out.

How to unlock the mechanism with the remote-controlled doll device in Wuthering Waves

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Phase 1: Securing the Second Cube

  • 1. Platform Activation: Locate two platforms within the designated area. One platform will contain a cube, while the other remains vacant. A second cube will be obstructed by active laser barriers.
  • 2. Resonator Intervention: Utilize your Resonator character to stand upon the unoccupied platform. This action will effectively deactivate the lasers currently restricting access to the second cube.
  • 3. Levitator Implementation: Employ the Levitator tool to carefully pick up the liberated cube.
  • 4. Strategic Placement: Carefully place the lifted cube onto the same platform previously occupied by your Resonator. This strategic maneuver ensures the laser barrier remains deactivated, granting access to the adjacent cell without requiring your character to maintain a constant presence on the platform.

Phase 2: Cell Access and Doll Transformation

  • 1. Cell Exploration: Enter the now-accessible cell and proceed to secure the contents of the Basic Supply Chest. It is crucial to note that this area becomes unavailable for future exploration upon completion of the current quest.
  • 2. Doll Transformation Activation: Locate and interact with the designated "Manipulating Dolls" mechanism. This action will initiate your transformation into the remote-controlled doll.

Phase 3: Doll Navigation Through Laser Grid

  • 1. Laser Bridge Infiltration: As the doll, navigate towards the bridge currently obstructed by a series of laser barriers. Due to your diminished size, you possess the ability to squeeze through the gap situated at the base of the bridge, bypassing the lasers.
  • 2. Laser Barrier Maneuvering: With precise control, navigate the doll through the three laser barriers strategically positioned on the bridge.
  • 3. Red Platform Identification: Upon successfully traversing the laser barriers, ascend the staircase positioned on the right side of the bridge. Locate and identify the designated red platform.
  • 4. Doll Deactivation and Platform Interaction: Strategically position the doll onto the red platform. Subsequently, activate the Resonance Skill (designated as "E" on PC) to revert control back to your Resonator character. This maneuver essentially "drops" the doll onto the platform in its designated position.

Phase 4: Unrestricted Passage and Quest Progression

  • 1. Laser Deactivation Confirmation: As a consequence of placing the doll on the red platform, all active laser barriers within the vicinity will be deactivated.
  • 2. Resonator Resumes Control: Now back in control of your Resonator character, proceed to traverse the bridge with the deactivated lasers. Enter the doorway leading to the subsequent chamber.
  • 3. Quest Continuation: Engage and defeat any encountered enemies within the new area. Proceed with the designated quest objectives. You might encounter additional puzzles requiring the strategic utilization of the remote-controlled doll device to circumvent laser obstacles.

Additional Note: Remember to consistently interact with the "Manipulating Dolls" mechanism throughout the puzzle to seamlessly switch control between your Resonator character and the remote-controlled doll as the situation demands. 

In conclusion, we hope that this guide on How to unlock the mechanism with the remote-controlled doll device in Wuthering Waves will be helpful to you and that you will be able to unlock this new mechanic that will be key for you to complete the puzzle and thus achieve the objectives of successfully explore, all while having fun with the exciting adventures that Wuthering Waves presents to you.

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