Lidia Rozo
2024-06-11 10:51:25

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We invite you to discover How to find Feilian Beringal in Wuthering Waves, a new task.

In Wuthering Waves, several bosses are difficult to find because the map icons don't explain everything. With this in mind, I will show you how to find the boss Feilian Beringal in the following content, let's see.

How to find Feilian Beringal in Wuthering Waves?

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In the Sierra Gale section of the Sonata Gallery, you can find the boss on the map using the Data Bank. You can find this area south of the map in Dim Forest under the Giant Banyan. The problem is that Feilian Beringal is hidden in a lair that is surprisingly easy to miss. You will see a small cave in front of you if you quickly head to the Resonance-Beacon that I have marked in the image above. Please note that the air is poisonous and you should not stay here for long.

In the image above, the cave appears to go nowhere, but if you walk to the back wall, you will find a hidden passage. When you reach the wall, turn the camera to the right to find the entrance to Feilian Beringal's lair. Don't make the same mistake I did, as I spent at least 20 minutes wandering aimlessly to find this encounter.

why should I fight the boss Feilian Beringal?

You don't need to fight Feilian Beringal unless you need an item from him, like many bosses. To promote Jiyan, you will need Roaring Rock Fists. The only place I can get these items right now is Feilian Beringal. Deliveries cost 60 Waveplates, so if there aren't enough you have to wait a day.

We can conclude that knowing how to find Feilian Beringal is easier than we thought with these instructions, just do it and enjoy it to the fullest.

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