Lidia Rozo
2022-11-13 18:58:50

Today we bring a guide where we will explain how to get Activision ID for Warzone and Modern Warfare 2.

What is Activision ID for Warzone and Modern Warfare 2?

  This is a way of identifying ourselves in the game and we must get it to be able to function in it, some players know where to get it, others do not and thinking of the latter we have decided to leave this explanatory guide, this ID allows us to recognize our account and although it is True, on the console this is not usually necessary, we must still get it because with it we can access various activities and promotions that are present in the game.

How to get Activision ID for Warzone 2 and MW2?

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In the case of being PC players, it may be that we know our OID or where to get it, however, not everyone necessarily knows it, this is because the identification is not usually open, even PS and Xbox players require something of help and it is precisely about this that we are going to talk here; It should be noted that for Warzone or for MW2 it is necessary:


  •  Open Settings and then open the Account & network tab.
  • Then we need to scroll down until we see the Activision ID option and click on it.
  • Next, our identification that is linked to our account that we will see on the screen.


 The Activision ID is usually our name and is nothing more than a series of numbers after a hashtag.

 Doing an online verification is possible and this makes it necessary to go to the Activision website and log in with our email and password, once we have done it, it will only be enough to go to Account configuration within our profile, Aquino will only see the ID if not we can make some changes to our gamertag.

 In this sense, knowing How to get Activision ID for Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 offers us the opportunity to know the ID in the game and then share it if we consider it feasible.

MW2, Cod Modern Warfare 2, CODMW2, Call of Duty MW2, COD MW2
First-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Activision, Square Enix
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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