Angel Marquez
2023-07-12 08:56:20

How to unlock MX Guardian Shotgun in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 with this easy-to-follow guide.

In the world of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, unlocking powerful weapons can be a game-changer. One such weapon is the MX Guardian Shotgun, a fearsome full-auto shotgun known for its range and accuracy. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of unlocking the MX Guardian Shotgun and provide some insights into its effectiveness and use in battle.

Unlocking the MX Guardian Shotgun

To obtain the MX Guardian Shotgun, players must complete four challenges in the classified Sector. These challenges have been carefully designed to test your skills and commitment. Let's take a closer look at each challenge:

  • Obtain the Dependable Emblem: This challenge requires you to showcase your dependability as a teammate. Complete objectives, assist your squadmates, and prove that you can be relied upon in the heat of battle.
  • Acquire the Gunfire Calling Card: The Gunfire Calling Card represents your prowess in combat. Defeat enemies, rack up kills, and make a name for yourself on the battlefield to earn this prestigious calling card.
  • Unlock the Fanning Hutch Loading Screen: The Fanning Hutch Loading Screen is a visual representation of your dedication to the cause. Complete missions, challenges, and objectives to unlock this loading screen and showcase your commitment.
  • Earn the 1 Hour Double Weapon XP Token: This challenge is all about leveling up your weapons. Utilize your favorite firearms, earn XP, and unlock attachments to boost your performance. Once you have earned the 1 Hour Double Weapon XP Token, you are one step closer to unlocking the MX Guardian Shotgun.

It is important to note that these challenges must be completed in order. Each challenge represents a different aspect of your skills and dedication, and together they unlock the MX Guardian Shotgun.

Location of the Classified Sector

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The classified Sector, where the challenges to unlock the MX Guardian Shotgun reside, is located in the middle of D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, and D7. Players must complete at least one Sector before gaining access to the classified Sector and working towards unlocking the MX Guardian Shotgun. Explore the map, complete missions, and familiarize yourself with the Sector to maximize your chances of success.

Effectiveness and Use of the MX Guardian Shotgun

The MX Guardian Shotgun is a formidable full-auto weapon that excels in both range and accuracy. It has the potential to deal devastating damage to opponents within its effective range. However, its effectiveness heavily relies on players challenging their opponents head-on, as it is less effective when opponents have the advantage of cover.

To make the most of the MX Guardian Shotgun, engage enemies in close to mid-range encounters where its power can truly shine. Take calculated risks, be aggressive, and utilize the weapon's full-auto capabilities to overwhelm your foes.

Unlocking the MX Guardian Shotgun in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 is a rewarding journey that requires dedication and skill. By completing the four challenges in the classified Sector, players can add this powerful full-auto shotgun to their arsenal. Remember to make the most of its range and accuracy in battle, and don't be afraid to take on opponents head-on. Good luck, soldier, and may the MX Guardian Shotgun guide you to victory!

MW2, Cod Modern Warfare 2, CODMW2, Call of Duty MW2, COD MW2
First-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Activision, Square Enix
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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