Lidia Rozo
2023-06-15 08:28:18

Check out our guide on How to Unlock ISO 45 SMG in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 DMZ and get ready to impress your friends with your new weapon!

Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 DMZ have been two of the most popular video games in recent years. One of the most exciting things about these games is unlocking new weapons, which can help you improve your gameplay and take down enemies with ease. 

One such weapon that has become a favorite among gamers is the ISO 45 SMG. If you're wondering how to unlock this weapon, then you've come to the right place. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to unlock the ISO 45 SMG in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 DMZ, and also give you some tips on how to use it effectively.

How to Unlock ISO 45 SMG in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 DMZ

 Overview of Sector D19 in Season 4 Battle Pass

 The ISO 45 SMG is a weapon that can only be unlocked by completing the challenges in Sector D19 of the Season 4 Battle Pass. Sector D19 is a new area that was added to the game in the fourth season, and it is accessible through the main menu.

Steps to unlock Sector D19

To unlock Sector D19, you will need to complete a series of challenges. The challenges involve navigating through a pathway of tiles, and completing various objectives along the way. The challenges are different for each player, so you will need to complete them in order to unlock the ISO 45 SMG.

  • 1. Explanation of pathway of tiles: The pathway of tiles is a maze-like structure that you will need to navigate through. Each tile has a different challenge, and you will need to complete each challenge in order to move on to the next tile. The challenges can be anything from killing a certain number of enemies, to capturing a flag.
  • 2. Challenges to complete to unlock tiles: The challenges in Sector D19 can be quite challenging, but they are definitely worth it if you want to unlock the ISO 45 SMG. Some of the challenges include killing 25 enemies with a certain weapon, capturing 5 flags in a game of Domination, and surviving for 10 minutes in a game of Warzone.

Importance of unlocking Sector D19 and obtaining the ISO 45 SMG

Unlocking the ISO 45 SMG is essential if you want to improve your gameplay and take down enemies with ease. This weapon is known for its high accuracy, low recoil, and fast rate of fire, making it an ideal choice for close-range combat. Additionally, Sector D19 is a new area that offers new challenges and rewards, so unlocking it can help you stay engaged with the game for longer.

 Best ISO 45 SMG Loadout, Explained

Read Also:

  •  The weapon's features: The ISO 45 SMG is a powerful weapon that has some unique features. It has a fast rate of fire, which allows you to take down enemies quickly. It also has low recoil, making it easy to control. Additionally, it has a high accuracy, which means that you can land shots on target more easily.
  •  Why it is a powerful weapon: The ISO 45 SMG is a powerful weapon because it is highly versatile. It can be used in a variety of situations, from close-range combat to medium-range combat. It is also effective against both armored and unarmored enemies, making it a great choice for any situation.
  • Comparison to other SMGs: When compared to other SMGs in the game, the ISO 45 SMG stands out for its accuracy and low recoil. It is also more effective at long range than many other SMGs, making it a great choice for players who like to engage in medium-range combat.
  •  Importance of landing every shot: When using the ISO 45 SMG, it is important to land every shot. This weapon has a high rate of fire, which means that you can quickly run out of ammunition if you're not careful. Additionally, missing shots can give your enemies an opportunity to retaliate, which can be deadly in close-quarters combat.


Recommended loadout for ISO 45 SMG

 If you want to use the ISO 45 SMG effectively, then we recommend the following loadout:

  • 1. Primary weapon: ISO 45 SMG
  • 2. Secondary weapon: X16 Pistol
  • 3. Perks: E.O.D, Ghost, and Tracker
  • 4. Tactical equipment: Stim
  • 5. Lethal equipment: Claymore

This loadout is designed to give you the maximum effectiveness with the ISO 45 SMG. The X16 pistol is a great backup weapon, and the E.O.D, Ghost, and Tracker perks can help you stay alive and track your enemies. The Stim tactical equipment can be used to heal yourself quickly, and the Claymore lethal equipment can be used to defend a position.

Unlocking the ISO 45 SMG in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 DMZ can be a bit of a challenge, but it's worth it if you want to dominate in the game. With the right loadout and a bit of practice, you can use this powerful weapon to take down enemies quickly and efficiently. So, get out there and start unlocking Sector D19 to gain access to the ISO 45 SMG!

MW2, Cod Modern Warfare 2, CODMW2, Call of Duty MW2, COD MW2
First-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Activision, Square Enix
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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