After the Shimu people have been driven from their homeland by a malevolent power, players of the open-world survival game Towers of Aghasba must work to restore their civilization.
Like most things in life, exploring, creating, gathering, and more on the island of Aghasba is better done with companions. Restoring the Shimu civilisation is no easy feat, and "as junior architect, it's your job to rebuild the villages of your once-mighty civilization as well as nurse Aghasba's once-thriving ecosystems back to life."
Looking at the game's Steam page would lead you to believe otherwise when it comes to multiplayer. Find out everything you need to know about Towers of Aghasba's multiplayer mode right now.
How to join multiplayer
Towers of Aghasba's multiplayer mode requires players to make it to the main island before they may utilize a Multiplayer Gate. However, the game's official Discord channel provided some explanation regarding the nature of multiplayer on the day of the game's premiere.
The developers emphasized that Towers of Aghasba is not meant for cooperative play through the entire campaign, but rather as a "Animal Crossing-esque experience where your guests visit and can help you build, grow your ecosystems, explore, and fight withered together."
This is the moment to show off your villages and ecosystems that you've worked so hard to cultivate, the Steam description of the game says. Bring a trio of pals to your island so you may all hunt creatures, trade goods, and fight the Withered together.
Towers of Aghasba's multiplayer possibilities are restricted at the moment, although the creators have stated that campaign co-op is "something [they] are looking into providing in a future update, but there are hurdles to overcome to achieve this."
The following error message perplexed many players on Towers of Aghasba opening day, but it's more of a developer issue than a player one; they should address it.
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