In Towers of Aghasba, resin is an essential component for constructing your hamlet. While you will be required to locate it early in your game, unlike other resources found on the island, it cannot be harvested.
Get Resin by following these steps.
How to get Resin
Where the Towers of Aghasba's resin is located
A Colossal Tree is required to obtain Resin in Towers of Aghasba. You will have to get your hands dirty and grow a plant yourself because, alas, the island's vegetation will be lifeless when you get there.
The Art of Growing a Massive Tree
Locating a man named Pawel is one of the initial mission requirements. A quest indicator will highlight his location on your map; he's on a clifftop east of the island. Just by talking to him, you can receive a King Tree Seed. When it grows into a Colossal Tree, it will yield Resin.
Even if Pawel is surprisingly enthusiastic about planting a seed (the guy must have a green thumb!), he will still ask you to plant it. If you want to begin the quest "Sowing the Seed," you'll need to find a level spot in a temperate biome and plant the tree there. Don't stress out if you accidentally plant it in the wrong position; you can always choose another spot on the same cliff, as Pawel suggests. If I hadn't been forced to choose a different spot so near to my rural village, I would have done exactly that.
Simply enter your inventory, place your cursor on the King Tree Seed, then press the "Use" button (F on PC, X on controller) when you've decided where to plant the tree. The seed will be planted in your place automatically after that. When you accomplish this, a surreal cutscene starring a furry creature and a talking seedling will play out, and they'll both despise you for being human.
Methods for Collecting Resin
Pay no attention to Sprite, the peculiar seedling creature; he will assign you the tasks of planting further seeds and feeding animals. Now that you've planted the Colossal Tree, you've done all the necessary work to obtain Resin.
Resin Fur trees, which are tall and darker than the Colossal Tree and with leaves that are orange and yellow, like the one in the picture above, surround it. As you draw near the tree, you'll see an opportunity to chop it down; however, a Stone Hatchet is required for this task.
Two Stones, three Fiber, and two Sticks are the materials needed to make a Stone Hatchet. After you have all of the necessary materials, go to the crafting menu and choose the appropriate tool to create it. After that, go back to the Resin Fur and equip it using the V or A buttons on your PC or controller. To start cutting down the tree, press E on a PC or X on a controller to swing the hatchet.
When the tree finally snaps, you'll get some wood and resin. Additionally, the Resin Fur will be added to your Shimudex as an entry, which will notify you of all the goods dropped by the tree and its ideal habitat.
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