Star Wars Battlefront 2: How to Fix error code 721 - Ultimate Guide

Daniel Hidalgo
2021-01-18 19:53:05

Do you know how to fix Star Wars Battlefront 2 error code 721? If you don't know, breathe easy and don't worry, because in this guide we solve it

What is Star Wars Battlefront 2 error code 721?

This is a network problem, related to the message "Could not connect to EA Servers Online features will not be available. Please check your Internet connection and try again. Visit to get Additional Information". What happens is that a connectivity problem is generated between the server and the players. Despite being a relatively common problem, although it shouldn't be common due to the fact that it is basically a bug, the point is that players no longer want to have to continue dealing with it.

Fortunately, we've been working on this guide to finally be able to tell you how to fix error code 721, so if you want a solution, pay attention to what we have for you below.

How to fix Star Wars Battlefront 2 error code 721?

First let's start with the solution of the developers, who recommend disconnecting the power cable from the router to the internet for a few minutes, and after this time, return to the game.

In case the developers' solution did not correct the problem, we recommend that you check your internet connection. Although if your internet connection is stable, the problem probably comes from the servers directly.

If you are a PS4 user, we recommend changing the DNS address of your Wi-Fi router to Google Primary and Secondary

If you are on PC, you can do it in the following way:

Press the Windows key to access the Start menu> type Command Prompt in the search bar> right click on it> Run as administrator> put the following command: ipconfig / release> press Enter to run it> then put the following command: ipconfig / renew> type Control Panel in the Start menu and access it> select Network and Internet> Change adapter option> select the current network connection> right click on it> Properties> Internet Protocol version 4 TCP / IPv4> select properties> Use the following DNS addresses> put as primary address, and as secondary> OK and close the window. This should correct the problem, so you will have to be sure to check.

 Now that you know how to fix Star Wars Battlefront 2 error code 721, you shouldn't encounter this problem again, remember to try all the solutions until you find the right one. Hopefully the developers are working on correcting it as soon as possible.

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