How To Get The Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Lidia Rozo
2024-12-20 05:33:48

Our guide today aims to explain to you How To Get The Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

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To do this, you'll have to visit the dangerous Kashyyyk Shadowlands, the ancient forest floor of this huge and underdeveloped planet. In order to access the Star Map and draw closer to the Star Forge, you'll need to speak with a few NPCs and fight your way through some tough monsters. This is how, in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, you obtain the Kashyyyk Star Map.

How To Get The Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic?

Difficulty greets you the moment your feet touch the Kashyyyk forest floor. You'll discover that Calo Nord escaped Taris's destruction and is now out for revenge. That is, of course, assuming Kashyyyk was the first planet you came to using your Star Map. Otherwise, you'll already have killed him on a different planet than Taris. Once you have finished with Calo, head further into the Shadownlands. You will soon encounter Jolee Bindo, who is battling off a pack of Katarns. Assist him and engage him in a conversation.

In return for your help, Jolee will want you to get rid of Czerka hunters who are situated northeast of his home. Just follow what Jolee says and you'll soon find yourself at the camp of the hunters. When you do this, you'll have one of three options: slaughter them completely-as Jolee will advise against-, reason them into leaving, or even take them as allies. Whichever way you decide, Jolee will still show up to assist and become part of your party. Yet, killing off the hunters will give you Dark Side points, so if you are playing as the Light Side, then you won't want to kill off anything.

Get back to Jolee and let him know that the deal is done after you've taken care of the hunters. He'll become yet another powerful Jedi ally once he joins your party. Once you spot the Czerka hunters, turn around and head in the direction they were going until you come across a purple force field. Jolee will temporarily disable it so that you and your allies can cross, allowing you access to the Lower Shadowlands of Kashyyyk.

As soon as you arrive, you will see a Wookie surrounded and attacked by many Mandalorians. You can kill them to help the Wookie, and then give the Wookie a Medpac to treat his wounds. If you accept the offer of the young Wookie for eliminating the local Mandalorians in return for a prize, you will gain an optional side mission. Your decision is final -.

As you proceed through the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands, you will encounter several unique items of interest. Among these are a Wookie Chuuundar, who happens to be his father, a terrible creature, and the Kashyyyk Star Map. You will know that you have found the latter once you reach what appears to be a holographic computer interface with a Rakatan guardian named "Computer."



What to Say in Response to The Guardian's Inquiries

The security measures that this Star Map will present to you are numerous, just like the riddle that protected Naga Sadow's tomb in Korriban. The hologram guardian will agree to test you once you ask him a number of questions to see if you fit the previous user's specifications for using the Star Map. The four questions he will ask you and the answers you must give are:

  • How would Zaalbar respond to the first question? I have no idea. It is my belief that he is not safe.
  • My response to question 2 is that in 10 days I will launch an attack. Around town, I don't do a thing.
  • That is correct in response to question 3. Those people's deaths would motivate my forces even more.
  • Q4: I did nothing to stop the attack.

With these answers, you can persuade the guardian and he will allow you to use the Star Map. If you want a bit of a challenge and can always use 1,200 experience points, you can deliberately go wrong. Activating a termination protocol between two shielded spider droids is apparently how the guardian considers you to have failed. It's worth fighting, but it's tough. When you've killed the droids, the guardian will assess your combat skills and pronounce that you've passed. Either way, you're taking home the Star Map, so it's not a bad deal either way.

This is all you need to know about How To Get The Kashyyyk Star Map in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, just apply this guide and that's it.

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