Lidia Rozo
2023-09-22 07:58:04

Master the art of How to Turn Off the Lasers in Under the Surphaze Art Gallery in Payday 3. Our guide reveals top strategies to successfully.

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to successfully navigate and disable the laser security systems in the Under the Surphaze heist of Payday 3. This heist is an exciting and challenging mission that requires careful planning and execution. By following these steps, you'll learn how to avoid triggering alarms, find easy-to-pass angles, and turn off the lasers for a smoother operation.

 Understanding the Laser Security Systems

In the Under the Surphaze Art Gallery heist, you will encounter two types of laser security systems: motion-scanning lasers and point-to-point lasers. Understanding how these systems work is crucial for successfully navigating through them.

The motion-scanning lasers are relatively easier to avoid as they do not trigger alarms if they get close. These lasers scan the room in a continuous motion, and as long as you don't break the beam, you can safely pass through without setting off any alarms.

On the other hand, the point-to-point laser system is more challenging. This system alternates between points, and if the beam is broken, it triggers alarms, alerting the security personnel. Avoiding these lasers requires careful planning and precise movements.

Crouch, Stay Low, and Search for Easy-to-Pass Angles

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To evade detection by both laser systems, it's crucial to maintain a low profile throughout the heist. Crouching down low allows you to minimize your chances of being detected. By staying low, you reduce your visibility and make it harder for the lasers to detect you.

While crouching, take your time to analyze the room and search for easy-to-pass angles. Look for areas where the lasers' paths are wider, allowing you to safely pass through without breaking any beams. This requires patience and attention to detail, but it is essential for a successful heist.

 Turning Off the Lasers

Once you have identified the path you need to take and the angles you can safely pass through, the next step is to turn off the lasers. In each room that has a laser system, there will be a power box located on one of the walls.

Locate the power box and approach it cautiously. Switch off the power box by flipping the switch into the off position. By doing so, you will deactivate that specific room's laser system, making it easier for you to navigate and accomplish your objectives.

 Multiple Power Boxes

It's important to note that each room within the gallery with a laser system is powered by its own unit. This means that you may need to locate and turn off multiple power boxes throughout this heist. It is crucial to be thorough in your search for power boxes to ensure all laser systems are disabled before proceeding.

Remember to communicate with your team members and coordinate your efforts to locate and disable all the power boxes efficiently. Assign specific areas to each team member to cover more ground and increase your chances of success.

In conclusion, successfully disabling the laser security systems in the Under the Surphaze Art Gallery heist of Payday 3 requires a combination of careful planning, coordination, and precise execution. By understanding the different types of laser systems, maintaining a low profile, searching for easy-to-pass angles, and turning off the power boxes, you'll significantly increase your chances of completing the heist without triggering alarms. Remember to stay focused, communicate effectively with your team, and adapt your strategy as needed. With practice and persistence, you'll become a master of navigating and disabling laser security systems in Payday 3.

PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows, Linux PC, Nintendo Switch
First-person shooter
Starbreeze Studios
Deep Silver
Unreal Engine 5
Release date:
September 21, 2023
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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