Angel Marquez
2023-09-22 08:14:15

Master your gameplay in Payday 3 with our expert guide on How to Throw Grenades in Payday 3. 

Welcome to our friendly guide on how to effectively use throwables, including grenades, in Payday 3. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the different types of throwables available and provide some useful tips to help you master the art of grenade throwing. So let's dive in!Throwing grenades in Payday 3 can be a game-changer in various heist scenarios. Whether you're looking to take down a group of enemies, create a diversion, or provide cover for your team, grenades can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. But before we get into the details, let's first talk about cooking grenades.

Cooking Grenades:

Cooking grenades is a technique that allows you to control the timing of the explosion. To cook a grenade in Payday 3, simply press the Left Bumper on your Xbox controller. This will start a three-second timer after pulling the pin. It's crucial to be swift and precise with your throws, as the grenade will explode if you hold onto it for too long.

Cooking grenades can be a great tactic to catch enemies off guard. By timing your throws perfectly, you can ensure that the grenade detonates right as it reaches its target, minimizing the chance for enemies to escape the blast radius.

Button Mapping:

Payday 3 has a convenient button mapping system that ensures there are no accidental mistakes when trying to deploy a throwable during intense heists. The button to use throwables is conveniently the same one used to put on your mask. This way, you won't accidentally throw a grenade when you meant to mask up or vice versa.

This intuitive button mapping allows for seamless transitions between different actions, enabling you to quickly adapt to changing situations during a heist. It's a small but crucial feature that enhances the overall gameplay experience.

Types of Throwables:

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Payday 3 offers a variety of throwables to suit different playstyles and objectives. Let's take a closer look at some of the options available:

  • Frag Grenade: The frag grenade is your go-to explosive option. It deals damage based on proximity to the explosion, making it ideal for clearing out groups of enemies or destroying obstacles. The frag grenade can be a lifesaver in tight situations where you need to quickly eliminate multiple threats.
  • Flashbang Grenade: Need to blind your enemies? Look no further than the flashbang grenade. This powerful throwable temporarily blinds enemies, making them easy targets for takedowns. Flashbangs can also be used as a distraction tactic or for human shielding, giving you an advantage in combat.
  • Throwing Knife: For maximum stealth, equip yourself with throwing knives. These silent killers allow you to take down enemies without alerting others nearby. Throwing knives are perfect for situations where you want to eliminate guards quietly or when you're trying to maintain a low profile during a heist. Just remember to remove the knives from bodies before reusing them to avoid leaving any evidence behind.
  • Smoke Grenade: In quieter situations where cover is crucial, smoke grenades come in handy. They create a thick cloud of smoke that obscures visibility, providing opportunities for sneaking past guards or regrouping with your team. Smoke grenades can be a lifesaver when you need to create a diversion or provide cover for your teammates during a critical moment in a heist.

By understanding the different types of throwables and their specific uses, you can strategically choose the right throwable for each situation, increasing your chances of success in any heist.

Mask Up Before Weapon Use:

Before using any weapons or throwables during a heist, it's important to remember to put on your mask. This simple action not only adds to the immersion and atmosphere of the game but also serves as a reminder of the stakes involved in your criminal activities.

Putting on your mask before engaging in combat or using throwables adds an extra touch of anonymity and intimidation. It also signifies the transition from a civilian to a criminal, mentally preparing you for the challenges ahead.

With this friendly guide, you're now equipped with the knowledge to become a master of throwables in Payday 3. Whether you prefer explosive power, blinding tactics, silent takedowns, or smoke cover, there's a throwable option for every situation. Remember to practice cooking grenades to maximize their effectiveness, utilize the intuitive button mapping system to seamlessly switch between actions, and choose the right type of throwable for each scenario. With these tips in mind, you and your crew will be ready to pull off the perfect heist in style. So gather your crew, gear up with throwables, and get ready to make your mark in Payday 3!

PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows, Linux PC, Nintendo Switch
First-person shooter
Starbreeze Studios
Deep Silver
Unreal Engine 5
Release date:
September 21, 2023
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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