Daniel Hidalgo
2021-01-07 08:40:29

This article is special for those who still do not know how to update the covenant armor in World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

What is World of Warcraft Shadowlands Covenant Armor.

This is an exclusive armor set that you obtain as part of your choice of pact. Night Fae, Kyrian, Venthyr and Necrolord each have a specific set of armor to win after the chosen pact and if you want to know how to upgrade then pay attention.

How to upgrade covenant armor in World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

The first way to upgrade your armor is to find your covenant vendor, near the Bond Forge in your domestic shrine. These sell rank 1 gear, which is the beginning of the materials you can upgrade and alongside the vendor there is an NPC in charge of upgrades.
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The second way is by interacting with the Oribos PvP providers where you can use your earned souls in upgrades. And if you disenchanted your Pact Team at some point, you can buy it back with anima and offerings from vendors in the sanctuary.

  That's how easy you can update your armor with this guide on how to update the covenant armor in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, remember that in our previous guides, we have much more content about the game that will be useful to you.