Edelmira Leon
2021-09-22 22:40:12

In case you don't know how to contact other factions in Sheltered 2, the following article will tell you how to do it.

What is Sheltered 2?

It is the recently released survival management simulation video game set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, in which you will have the objective of keeping your survivor faction alive, maintaining your shelter and searching for resources. Throughout this adventure, you will encounter six factions with which you can contact and depending on your actions, these factions can be allies, enemies, trading partners or a combination of the above.

It is very important to know how to contact other factions and do it carefully, since you are a new faction and not everyone will be happy. The good thing is that here we will tell you how to do it.

How to contact other factions in Sheltered 2?

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Before you can contact a faction, you will first have to meet one on an expedition. The first meeting will probably be peaceful, as initially no one is looking for a war.

The faction will send a representative to meet you if you cross their territory on the world map. The representative will warn you that you will have to leave or prepare to fight and although you can try to converse with them, most factions will want to be contacted by radio before they will have anything to do with you.

So go back to the safehouse to contact the faction by selecting the appropriate option on the radio > this will give you access to a list of factions you can talk to and choose from > choose the faction to access another set of options. But note that almost all factions will need you to increase your reputation with them before they can ally with you. To improve your reputation, you can look for jobs and offer services, which allow you to get in contact with them.

That's all you need to know about how to contact other factions in Sheltered 2 and now that you have it, we hope you will quickly contact the factions you encounter and make enough allies.