Lidia Rozo
2023-11-10 00:48:55

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Learn the art of How to take a picture of the boat guy in Like a Dragon Gaiden with expert photography tips.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to successfully complete the "Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Photograph the Boat Guy" mission in the popular game. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step outline on how to locate and capture the perfect photo of the elusive boat guy, allowing you to complete the mission with ease and earn your rewards.

How to take a picture of the boat guy in Like a Dragon Gaiden

Understanding the Challenge

The "Photograph the Boat Guy" mission involves standing near the Sotenbori River and capturing a photo of the boat guy when he passes. To successfully complete this mission, it is important to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood and the two bridges that divide it into northern and southern parts. These bridges provide footpaths with benches and rails where pedestrians can enjoy the scenic view, including the boat guy.

 Locating the Boat Guy

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To begin your mission, you will need to find an ideal spot near the river where you can easily observe and photograph the boat guy. Look for a location that offers a clear line of sight to the passing boats. Position yourself in a way that allows you to aim your camera towards the boat guy on deck. This will ensure a better chance of capturing a clear and satisfactory photo.

 Waiting for Opportunities

It is important to note that not every passing boat will have the boat guy on board. Patience is key in this mission, as you may have to wait for multiple passes until you spot him. Stay vigilant and keep an eye out for the boat guy. Be prepared to wait for the perfect opportunity to capture that elusive shot.

Capturing the Perfect Photo

Once you have located the boat guy and are ready to capture the photo, it is crucial to aim your camera towards him on the front deck. Keep your finger on the camera button, ready to press it when prompted or when you have a clear shot. Timing and focus are key elements in capturing an acceptable photo. Be patient and wait for the boat guy to be in a favorable position before taking the shot.


Upon successfully completing the "Photograph the Boat Guy" mission, players can expect to receive a generous reward. The winner will be rewarded with 35,000 yen and 800 Akame Points. These rewards can be used to enhance your gaming experience and progress further in the game.

By following this detailed guide, you can confidently embark on the "Photograph the Boat Guy" mission in Like a Dragon Gaiden. Remember to find a good spot near the Sotenbori River, exercise patience while waiting for the boat guy to appear, and capture that perfect photo when the opportunity arises. Good luck, and may you enjoy the rewards that await you upon completion of this exciting mission!

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