Ambar Jimenez
2024-01-02 10:44:55

Discover effective solutions to fix lethal company lights that are not working and ensure a safe working environment.

Hey there, fellow gamers! So, it looks like you're facing some challenges with the lighting in Lethal Company. No need to fret, because I've got your back! Below is a detailed guide to help you tackle those pesky lighting issues:Step 1: Check for LightSwitchNoMore mod

First things first, let's see if the LightSwitchNoMore mod is being used by other players. If it is, go ahead and download and install the same mod. It's always a good idea to align with the community when it comes to mods for a seamless gaming experience.

Fix Lethal Company Lights Not Working

Step 2: Restart game and computer

Sometimes a good old reset can work wonders. Begin by restarting the game and then give your computer a reboot to reset the game's state. This simple step can often clear up minor glitches and get things back on track.

Step 3: Adjust gamma/brightness settings

It's possible that your gamma or brightness settings might need a little tweak. Head over to the settings and adjust them to make sure those lights are shining bright! Finding that perfect balance can make a world of difference in your gaming environment.

Step 4: Update graphics drivers

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Outdated graphics drivers could be the culprit behind the lighting issue. It's essential to keep your drivers up to date to ensure optimal performance. Updating them can not only help with the lighting problem but also improve the overall gaming experience.

Step 5: Verify game file integrity

Check for any damaged files by verifying the game file integrity. This process will scan for any corrupted files and repair or replace them with the correct versions. It's a great way to ensure that your game is running smoothly without any hidden issues.

Step 6: Uninstall and reinstall the game

If all else fails, sometimes a fresh start is the way to go. Uninstall Lethal Company and then reinstall it to resolve any issues caused by corrupted files or incomplete installations. It may seem drastic, but a clean reinstall can often solve persistent problems.

Step 7: Contact support for specialized assistance

If you've tried all the above steps and are still encountering problems, don't hesitate to reach out to Lethal Company's support team for some personalized help. They're there to assist you with any specific issues you might be facing, so take advantage of their expertise.

There you have it - follow these steps, and hopefully, you'll be back in action with fully functional lights in no time! Remember, troubleshooting gaming issues can be a bit of a puzzle, but with the right approach, you'll crack it in no time. Happy gaming, and may your lighting always be top-notch!