With our help you will see that knowing All Banuk Artifact Locations in Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered is easier than you think.
Banuk Artifacts are a set of various collectibles in Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered. These tell the tale of a man that was banished from Banuk lands long before Aloy finds them. Often, players seek them out due to the unique rewards that can be gained by selling each set to a specific type of Merchant in Meridian.
Scattered across Horizon Zero Dawn world are three sets of six Banuk Artifacts apiece. You'll be able to buy maps off merchants that mark their locations, but all they will show is a broad area in which to search, rather than their exact placement. They're also all placed next to rugged mountains and cliffs, making it hard to tell exactly where you need to begin climbing.
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered: All Banuk Artifact Locations
First Banuk Artifact: My Argument
North of the Devil's Thirst Bandit Camp you'll be able to find the first Banuk Artifact. Figure is located on the neighboring mountain and this is the first Bandit Camp you'll have to clear after meeting Nil. As you come to the bottom of the mountain, you will see some Banuk paintings and some poles in the ground with handholds on the bottom of the cliff face. Take the paths and the handholds up the summit for the Banuk Artifact. If you're feeling like that's all well and good, you can probably just fly down a zipline.
I Name You, the Second Banuk Artifact
The second Banuk Artifact lies near the small village of Hunter's Gathering, just before you leave Nora lands. Hop up onto a pole here in the village with holds on it; should be near Gera, who asks you for a side quest to find her husband to initiate the climb. Now that you are grasping the rock face, keep climbing until you reach solid ground again.
For obtaining the collectible, one needs to go past the zipline and keep climbing the mountain on the right. You can see several paintings that Banuk does on the rocks as they will be leading you to the artifact if ever you become disoriented.
Banuk Artifact #3: Penalty
This artifact can be found on the northeastern part of the map, near the Banuk Camp. Note that later on you will also get a side quest to "Investigate Banuk Camp". You can return and get the figure after finishing that mission.
As you approach camp, look for Banuk paintings on a small cliff face that runs parallel to the mountain range. You should be able to see it right before you reach camp. Directly around where you need to start climbing is a wooden pole with cloth and handholds tied around it. If you continue up the trail marked with handholds, you'll find the Banuk Artifact.
Banuk Artifact #4: I Refrain from Admitting
The final Banuk Artifact that's west of Meridian, which is located on a big cliff. The easiest way to find it is just by going to this campfire that's just nearby, near Brightmarket as well, and then just follow toward the map marker. You will need to sneak past several Sawtooths and Bellowbacks though - be prepared to fight or flee.
As you approach the marker, have a look around for a pole that looks like many you may have seen outside the other Banuk Artifacts specifically, one with some cloth wrapped around it and markings on it. To find this artifact, trace the cliff face down from this pole, looking for a zipline Aloy can take.
If you decide to begin your ascent to the Figure from the base of the cliff, look out for the Banuk paintings which are situated between the Sawtooth and the Longleg sites.
Number Five: The Visions of the Banuk
This Banuk Artifact is just south of Sunfall, so you may have to wait until you reach a pivotal point in the story to actually pick this one up. Sylens will warn you about going near this area, so you may as well heed the warning. Once you've hit Sunfall, though, you're clear to go and get this.
To begin the climb, locate a specific rock-below-which has a pole bearing handholds in front of it. The rock is actually closer to Sunfall than the Artifact is, but it's the only starting point from which you can reach the item. It's super easy to find-just follow the path until it ends.
Banuk Artifact No. 6: Mother
On the northern rim of the map, on the peak that sits a little south of Pitchcliff, is where the final Banuk Artifact in Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered awaits. As with the previous Figures, head towards the marker and scan the rock face for Banuk paintings to work out where to start climbing. Climb the cliff, then continue on, following the visible poles and paintings from here out to find the Banuk Artifact, the last complete set of collectibles.
That's all for All Banuk Artifact Locations in Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, just follow the prompts to get them and progress in this game.
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