Our guide today aims to explain to you How to Complete the Tower of Transcendence in Dragon Quest 3.
The Tower of Transcendence is one of Dragon Quest 3's dungeons. Compared to the other dungeons, this is somewhat different since it doesn't have a big boss waiting for you at the end; the challenge is actually in finding your way around it.
If you're playing Dragon Quest 3, visiting the Tower of Transcendence in order to get a scroll of Words of Wisdom is probably your top priority. A Sage is actually the most powerful and versatile secondary class and this item is needed to turn any member of your party into one.
Where is the Tower of Transcendence in Dragon Quest 3?
On the eastern part of the main continent, due northeast of Alltrades Abbey, lies the Tower of Transcendence. The quickest way for people who have never been there before would be to use the Zoom spell or a Chimaera Wing to get directly to Alltrades Abbey. Then, head north with the mountain passage.
There, on the western end of the narrow channel, on a small peninsula, lies the Tower of Transcendence.
How to Complete the Tower of Transcendence in Dragon Quest 3?
Since the Scroll of Words of Wisdom is the main purpose for visiting the Tower of Transcendence, I will focus on guiding one toward that goal specifically. The Tower of Transcendence is a great leveling and loot area, so make sure to run all paths and fight consistently once you have the scroll.
In the Tower of Transcendence, to get the scroll containing the Words of Wisdom, do the following:
- 1-Don't get completely sidetracked by the teleportals once inside the Tower of Transcendence. Alternatively, head to the upper left corner of the map and ascend to the second floor via the staircase there:
- 2 - Balance your way across the tightrope. If you're using a controller and find this a bit tricky, try using the D-Pad to make life a little easier. When you reach the other side of the tightrope, head back down to ground level via the stairs on the other side.
- 3- Pass by the unique teleportal. When you come out, you'll have three ways to continue. Only the center one will eventually allow you to get to level five; that's the one you'll want to follow.
- 4-You are faced with three routes now; you must head up the stairs to the south. As you will see, the staircase can seem impassable from where you are standing; but if you make your way to the right, you can get to the bottom step.
- 5- This floor has only a staircase and a chest that must be opened. On the fourth floor, move south and up the curving staircase to the fifth floor.
- 6-You will soon encounter another tightrope. In order to find the scroll with the Words of Wisdom, you must get to the middle point of it-where the red flag is-and then you intentionally fall down again to the fourth floor: stocked
- 7-Once you land on the fourth level, go down to the third level by falling into the gap formed from the fallen roof.
- 8. Go down to the second floor from the third using the only accessible staircase. Then, head to the very east to the chest containing the Words of Wisdom scroll.
Oh, I see. Now that you have the Words of Wisdom scroll you may want to use a Zoom spell or a Chimaera Wing to leave this infinitely confusing labyrinth. Your best option if you want to continue seeing the rest of the Tower of Transcendence is to use Zoom or a Chimaera Wing to return to the start where you can begin your quest anew.
Ignorant enemies in the Transcendence Tower
Remember that the higher you ascend in the Tower of Transcendence, the more complex and more powerful its creatures will be. The battle for the upper floors seems easier in comparison, but you'll need to be prepared with a sharp mind and plenty of healing goods to survive the ones you'll face on lower floors.
The Ethereal Serpents are one of the most dangerous foes that you may encounter. If you aren't prepared, their strong fire-type attacks will make quick work of your party in no time. They are, however, weak to spells of the water, earth, and poison types.
Also, not out of place to mention, there is a small chance of finding Metal Slimes in the area before crossing the fifth-story tightrope once one has reached the fifth floor of the Tower of Transcendence. While they are tough opponents, they do offer a great deal of experience to the whole group once they have been defeated.
You should give as good a weapon as possible to your party members since basic attacks are how they most often will attack. Metal Slimes, if you encounter them, are very much worth the fight since they are one of the better ways to level up your party in rapid time.
During your climb up the Tower of Transcendence, you will be pitted against the following enemies:
- Shade
- Bee Rumble
- Mage Lump
- Raider, Ram
- Howling wolf
- Garuda
- Oh, Beakon!
- Serpent of the Air
- Evil Admiral
- Liquid Metal
All items that can be obtained in the Tower of Transcendence
Some of the treasure chests you will discover while exploring the Tower of Transcendence contain other valuables apart from the Words of Wisdom scroll. One of them is a chest with a Mini Medal.
Given below are all the treasure chests in the Tower of Transcendence worth searching for, and with directions on how to find them:
- Sparring Suit: Situated on the first floor (1F), you'll find it south of the central Teleportal near the main entrance.
- Dieamend: Head to the third floor (3F). From Catula's location, ascend the staircase to reach it.
- Silver Tiara: Also on the third floor (3F), take the northern staircase from the first floor and continue your ascent.
- Mini Medal: Another third-floor (3F) find. This time, take the southern staircase from the first floor and follow it to the top.
- Battle Fork: Venture to the fourth floor (4F). Descend the stairs located on the west side of the fifth floor to find it.
- Hermes Hat: Reach the fifth floor (5F) and head west. There, you'll discover a staircase leading to the hat.
Friendly Monster:
To rescue Alutac the friendly Catula and send it to Monty, follow these steps:
- Begin on the first floor (1F).
- Locate the southwest staircase.
- Ascend the staircase.
- In the subsequent room, you'll find Alutac waiting in the center.
Now that you know How to Complete the Tower of Transcendence in Dragon Quest 3, apply our guide and continue enjoying the game.
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