How to Recruit New Party Members in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Lidia Rozo
2024-11-15 04:19:28

Our guide today aims to explain to you How to Recruit New Party Members in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

For most turn-based JRPGs, and Dragon Quest 3 Remake is no exception, team composition plays an important role. Whether you want to completely remake your party from scratch or perform minor adjustments, knowing how to recruit and switch party members is absolutely necessary. This concept is not expanded upon in the DQIII Remake, but at least it goes on to explain somewhat the basic of party building. Recruiting new party members and swapping them is easier with this guide on how to do so in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

How to Recruit New Party Members in Dragon Quest 3 Remake?

Dragon Quest 3 Remake will have you recruit your first party of companions not too long into the game. And it does a pretty good job of explaining how to swap those out for new recruits of your own choosing, too - it walks gamers through the process hand in hand, after all. What follows is an explanation of just how to do that.

Where Patty Plans Her Parties: DQIII Once in the starting city of Aliahan, you'll gain access to Patty's Party Planning Place where you'll be able to hire new party members and where Remake will forward you to hire your first staff. We are not aware of any other location where this is possible as yet.

When you hired your first team, you dealt with Patty at the front desk. If you want to hire more, you're going to have to go upstairs. There's an entire workstation upstairs for recruiting new party members. You may know us as PALS, or Premiere Adventure Listing Services.

When you initially arrive in PALS, you'll be asked if you'd like to add a new member to your roster. Answer In The Affirmative, and you'll be whisked away to the initial phase of hiring a new employee, which involves naming your new colleague. Whatever you choose will be stuck as permanent, but it won't impact your character's personality.

Now that the time has come to select a career path, consider these options:

  • Combatant practices martial arts
  • Mage
  • Preacher Witch
  • Criminal, Monster Wrangler, and Gadabout

This is an important selection, as it determines how your character will play. The combatant classes of Warrior and Martial Artist, the magically inclined classes of Mage and Priest, and the rest all have their unique sets of benefits. After you've selected a profession, you'll be asked to select your gender.

If you want the Appearance A to be regarded as a man and the Appearance B as a girl, then here you have two variants to choose from.

The gender of an individual can affect his personality. The statistics of different genders can be radically different, and some personality types are accessible for only one gender.

Depending on the chosen appearance A or B, you will be redirected to a menu where you can choose among four clothes and looks for your character. This is only a cosmetic choice, which does not influence your character whatsoever. Right after selecting his look, you are going to need to choose the hair color for your teammate. You will have fourteen different shades to choose from.

Exercise caution when selecting the Seed Allowance option. You can either allow the game to randomly decide how many up to five seeds you are awarded, or you can do it yourself. Regardless of how many seeds are left over from what you have been granted, a choice once made cannot be undone.

Next, you will need to select how you would like to allocate your Seed Allowance. You have six different types of seeds from which to select:

  • Power Base
  • First Line of Defense
  • Arc of Strength
  • Stamina Seed
  • A Little Bit of Knowledge
  • A Lucky Seed

All of these impact the stats of the main character, which in turn impacts your health and MP and how your stats level up. When you're new, let the game choose for you; it already knows which skills to level up for which profession. When you get confident of how the systems work, then you can manage it yourself.

After planting your seeds, the game randomly selects a character's personality type. Once the type has been assigned to a character, it explains how that kind affects their metrics. The personality types can only be changed with accessories and literature.

When ready, choose the character's voice. You will then be asked if you want to take the new character with you. If your party is full, saying yes means you'll have to decide which one needs to stay behind. If you say no, they will be added to your inventory of inactive characters, that you can reconfigure down stairs.

How to Replace Characters in Dragon Quest 3 Remake?

Head back to Patty at the main desk on the lower level to mix and match your party roster. Speaking to her pulls up a multiple choice menu. 

  • The first option will read: 'Pick Up': Select an Already Existing Team Member to Join Your Party. Drop Off: Select a Team Member to Keep
  • The Party: Display all of your party members that are not currently in view.

The order your party walks behind you can be changed through the main menu Misc. option. From there you will want to select Line-Up. This will enable you to change the order you and your party walk. Cannot see how it changes the order you

Now that you know How to Recruit New Party Members in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, follow our steps to get it easily.

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