Paragons of justice and morality, Paladins are renowned in the universe of Baldur's Gate 3. According to the oaths they swore, everyone is bound to defend virtue, and they must all faithfully carry out this duty. Nonetheless, this does not exclude Paladins from breaking their vow.
An Oathbreaker is a Paladin who has broken their creed, either by choice or by circumstance. While this is terrible news for good Baldur's Gate 3 players who enjoy good role-playing, players who like to explore the darker side of divinity might want to consider breaking their vows in favor of other powers.
It is a common practice that, when a Paladin engages in conduct unbecoming of their kind, their holy blessing is revoked. Some actions are not as unforgivable to one oath as they are to another, depending on their different tenets, and there's more subtlety to each Paladin Oath than its roleplaying gimmick.
For example, those that have taken an oath to the cause are expected to show high levels of bravery, kindness, and responsibility. These Paladins are fearless fighters who help the needy, defend just laws, and charge headlong into battle. Oathbreakers are Devotion Paladins that for one reason or another have committed murder of an innocent person.
By contrast, the Oath of the Ancients pledges all Paladins to the protection of the environment, humankind, and love. Betrayal of the Oath of the Ancients, such as killing the Owlbear cub in the cave or being responsible for the death of Arabella in the Emerald Grove, will nullify it.
Amongst the three Paladin varieties, the Oath of Vengeance has the most flexibility. Their oath will cast judgment on the accused via ruthless punishment of the wicked and cruel. Saving Auntie Ethel's life and letting the goblin free would be an oathbreak for Sazza.
If one betrays an oath, it will come to a visit from the Oathbreaker Knight. To become an officially recognized Oathbreaker, discuss it with him in camp.
Yes, retaking your oath is as simple as speaking with the Oathbreaker Knight once more and voicing a wish to do so, whether you become an Oathbreaker by accident or simply want to regain the full power of your previous oath. It will cost you Gold to do so, however.
If a player performs any of the above actions, they can break their oaths a multitude of times. Providing they are solvent, they are also free to retake the vows. But be wary of overdoing it: the price of gold increases with every retaking of the oath, and you'll be left with nothing if the Oathbreaker Knight stops visiting your camp.
Respec your class in BG3 before doing anything that would make you an Oathbreaker if you're having difficulties breaking your oaths again. Murdering a defenseless citizen is all it takes to violate the Oath of Devotion.
Those who break the oath can cast holy and evil spells. The core concepts of these Paladins are damage, offensive casting, and controlling the dead instead of smiting them - as opposed to hybrid support and frontline fighting. Divine Smite cannot be taken out of the game.
When it comes to playstyle, Oathbreakers are rather similar to Warlocks in that they use a combination of swordplay and necromancy abilities to do damage or disable enemies. The following are examples of spells:
This is everything we know about How to Become an Oathbreaker Paladin in Baldur's Gate 3, you just have to follow our steps to achieve it easily.