Angel Marquez
2020-10-19 09:51:10

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Welcome to our Aquanox guide, in which we will have the answers regarding How to save your game.

What to know about the saved in Aquanox?

This game has the possibility of automatic saving, but it is ideal that we do it at the times that we want, taking into account the possible occasions in which the automatic function does not make itself felt or does not become the most indicated by the delay that rather causes us, we will have answers that will help us to know how to save your game in this guide, let us follow the content of this guide below.

How to save your game in Aquanox?

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We have that on the PC the important button to make a screenshot of the screensaver is the F5, but we will also have the quick save, in which it is necessary to press and hold the left button to go to the quick save option, these are overwritten to As we use this option, manually it is also a possibility to save our game, for this we enter the menu with escape or the start button, to do so, being then a fact to highlight of the game the automatic saving options, fast and manuals from which to take advantage, once we are in a situation we must decide by which one we will return to the game, by the automatic save or one made manually, we have that the best option is to choose what we save, the automatic save arrives to be delayed far behind where to die left the game or to, this happens since at the moment of the zone changes the automatic saving does not occur instantly, so we must save play the game manually.

We came to the conclusion that knowing how to save your game reinforced by this content, has been easier and more effective in Aquanox.

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