2019-03-07 20:31:19

In the year 2001 the first Devil May Cry was born, something that surely stoked the flame of excitement for the action games to more than one, but it is something that does not stop as the series continues.

It is not a game based on just killing enemies in the environment, but rather how you do it, for that you must manage the technique between swords, pistols and a lot of jump gates.

Devil May Cry 5 trailers

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The Full Review

Devil May Cry 5 Full Review is the latest release of the series of video games, is made up of a very interesting rhythm campaign that mixes three completely different styles of play, which in turn manage to shape or in some way make all this into a video game with a pretty funny and interesting story. But fun has a story that not everyone will be used to or have already lived, starting with a battle which you should lose.

After Dante was left behind and Nero V (a new character) managed to escape from King Urizen.

The story of this latest installment of Devil May Cry revolves around different aspects at the same time that tells the main story of Dante Nero and V.

The powerful demon king named Urizen and V have a mysterious aura around him, so it's not surprising that as Nero many times we feel very calm with V, besides that surely more than once you wonder who is really V and you're going to want to decipher it as you get more information.

The combat in Devil May Cry 5 is done quite simply, we have a button for melee attacks, another for attacks at a distance and another for your Devil Breaker, style technique or cane attack will depend on the character with the one we are playing.

We will have a campaign mode of medium or normal difficulty.

We will also have another mode, one of self-help with which we can make quite interesting combos if we press the attack button giving a game experience as if it were a high level combat.

Something quite interesting in Devil May Cry 5 are the set of tools that we have:

If we play as Nero our tools will be, the sword of the Red Queen, the rechargeable Blue Rose pistol, a grapple that can attract enemies towards you and an arsenal that is getting bigger and bigger as Devil Breakers as disposable mechanical weapons, also each has new skills, such as Punchline, which launches an arm which corners the enemies by making quick hits of rockets but if you press the Devil Breaker button when Punchline is out you will get to mount it which will help you to end the enemy.

Devil May Cry 5 Gameplay

The gameplay that Dante has is quite adaptable because it is very similar to that of Devil May Cry 4, this allows switching between Trickster, Royal Guard, Gunslinger and Swordmaster, four melee weapons and four weapons at a distance, his arsenal is a fusion between the old and the contemporary by adding new and old weapons at the same time.

Dante now has a motorcycle with which you can crush whoever gets in front of you and turn into two slow but heavy buzzsaw swords.

And on the other hand there is the mysterious V, who fortunately manages to get rid of the fighting in a relative manner by having his three family members do it for him, they have the following characteristics:

Shadow: is a black cat that can be transformed into several blades and creatures.

Griffon: it is a bird that can shoot a variety of electric explosions regardless of whether it is far away.

Nightmare: is a gigantic beast that can only be summoned when V accumulates his Devil Trigger meter, and is self-sufficient at the time of combat.

But not everyone is so easy for this mysterious character in case you came to think of it. None of the three relatives of V can kill anyone, so V will have to be close in some way to give the final thrust or shoot to kill. What could lead to a sequence of deaths in which V is giving the final thrust and with you are your family ending with someone else, simply sublime.

Although V has a quite remarkable learning detail, this is because there is really no directional control over Shadow or Griffon, but rather its attack is random, so if you want to exterminate a specific target it can be a bit complicated and you would even have that you end up doing it if it is very urgent, but if you use the Devil Trigger meters you can get a much more autonomous form of attack.

In spite of all this, the missions of V are much more difficult in trios, mainly because the movement seems to be much slower if we compare it for example with Dante, but this is not bad, we just have to take into account some improvements and get used to certain aspects to know how to make them mesh, so little by little you get used to the flow of combat, in addition to the game mode of V is also very interesting.

The design of the levels unlike previous games of Devil May Cry, in this installment are much less complicated, this gives much more hierarchy to the challenges of combat based on the abilities.

Devil May Cry 5 seems to promise a lot, we hope that tomorrow March 8 this is reality, his style, the animations, the mocking way of Dante to the bosses or the gestures of V, could make this delivery an interesting title.

In Devil May Cry 5 as you will always face in battles against demons of all types and sizes large, small and medium, in those battles you can execute combos to eliminate them, the game rewards you with the number of consecutive combos that you can give to each demon obtaining points for each stroke.

And so that they do not believe us, they must play it to believe that the game literally rewards you with points for your combat excellence, so you must combertirt in a hitting machine if you want to get many points.

Dante does amazing and fun things more than we are used to and more, can ride motorcycles and use them as weapons. In addition to being equipped with his inseparable weapons Ebony and Ivory, specialists in killing demons.

 Devil Breaker of Nero focuses more on his combat with his abilities, uses swords and pistols as Dante does, but has the peculiarity of activating powers of game change in mechanical weapons that Nico his gunsmith made especially for him.

As for fighting with V is a bit more particular than Dante for example, he likes to use the rods that bend as a very pointed weapon, on the other hand he does not have much inherited demonic strength, with knowledge in demon uprisings and has power over the animals to help him in his battles against demons, V is a character connected with the supernatural.

No matter who you prefer to play Devil may Cry 5 has a spectacular music that attracts you to every fight. the rhythm of each piece of music becomes progressively more progressive as your battle points increase, so it serves to guide you to measure success with the battles against demons that helps you focus on the fight.

The game is made with the RE engine is the same that uses capcom for Resident Evil 7 and resident Evil 2 Remake looks great and everything is very detailed, all of which will prove to be valuable traits for a game as heavy and fast in action as it's Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5 release date

The question we all ask ourselves is: when will the release of De Devil May Cry 5 ?, As already announced Capcom release date will be on March 8, 2019, and will be available for PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One and Microsoft Windows (PC)

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