Discover How to get a Horse in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom with this excellent and detailed explanatory guide.
Getting a horse is one of the quickest ways to enter the Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom world, but it requires you to spend a few hours in-game before even starting the search for how to get one.
Since the release of the game, there had been a strong advertisement campaign for the horse, and indeed, getting it was well worth investing in. These quick creatures serve not only for fast travel purposes in Hyrule but also can be used to fight off certain enemies or reach far-away places with much ease. Once you completed a quest in a certain area, these will be available, and we'll walk you through how to get to them.
To see a horse in the Echoes of Wisdom, you need to defeat Suthorn Ruins to get access to most of Hyrule. In that respect, once Suthorn Ruins are defeated, adventurers can go deeper into the vast expanse that is Hyrule Field and find Hyrule Ranch northwest of it without needing to advance through the main story.
Upon arriving at Hyrule Ranch, a side quest called Runaway Horse can be done by talking to the owner of the ranch. He requests you find a horse that normally runs west of the stable before lending you any of the horses in the stable. No matter how much you search the west side of the estate, you will never find the runaway mare since she has become stuck somewhere.
Once you have done that, head to the westernmost end of Hyrule Ranch. You will find a small puddle of water with the horse stuck inside, unable to get out. Jump onto the horse as Zelda and, using any number of echoes such as beds, tables, and crates, create a path leading from the puddle of water so the horse can climb out. Once you do this, you can interact with the horse with the A button, and then you can start moving the horse out of the lake and back onto dry land.
Now go back to Hyrule Ranch and ride your horse up to the ranch owner. This will complete the quest and you can select any horse from the ranch to be your travel companion around Hyrule at any time. If at any time you leave your horse anywhere, you would have to go back to Hyrule Ranch to get it again, which could get really annoying. Its value comes in its speed and how it can run foes over with its powerful Dash maneuver.
One final white horse rounds out the set. Once the quest is complete, you're able to approach the ranch owner, who will tell you exactly why you cannot ride that horse. And it's that maybe it's faster than the rest of them. It gives evidence that there is some kind of secret way to unlock its full potential, perhaps through completing missions or otherwise that hasn't been discovered yet. Precisely how it works is an enigma yet to be deciphered.
We hope that the information detailed here on How to get a Horse in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom has been very useful for your enjoyment and progress in this busy game.