We invite you to discover How to get XP in Visions of Mana with this excellent and explanatory detailed guide.
Throughout the Visions of Mana, players will travel to different areas and encounter harder challenges and enemies. This is where leveling up members of your party comes in handy, as it increases their statistics and is more manageable during a battle.
Knowing a few methods of experience farming is key to leveling up consistently in whatever region you find yourself in. Below is outlined the most critical information that you'll want to know to rack up your experience quickly in Visions of Mana.
Every member in your party, whether actively working or not, will reap the experience that you gain in Visions of Mana. So, once you figure out a way to farm experience, you can have all of your party members leveled up in no time. There are several ways you can increase your experience gain in Visions of Mana. It's incredibly useful when you're able to incorporate several of the methods below. There are many, but a few stand out as some of the most reliable and stable.
Battling in hotspots will always give you access to the numerous Battle Bonuses. In short, these are a series of actions that can be achieved each time that you start a battle.
Each category in which this is said gives players only one bonus per each fight.
All of Visions of Mana's Battle Bonuses, along with how to obtain them, are listed below:
Spending special items called Cookies is the other main way to powerlevel XP quickly. There are three types of Cookies available to players. The most direct way of gaining them is by buying them off one of the many Dudbear marketplaces you will find throughout your journey. For a list of all three Cookies, look below for their percent in XP boost and how long said item lasts:
The Curious Cookie is a consumable, providing 10% more EXP gains to the Units during battles. It can only be obtained by buying from a Dudbear Exchange, a special kind of merchant that can be found on the world map. There is, however, an active maximum purchase limit for the Curious Cookie depending on the current chapter. The player can only purchase a total of 2 Curious Cookies until Chapter 2-3, that amount increases to 5 in Chapter 4, 10 in Chapter 5-6, 15 in Chapter 7-9, and finally reaches 20 in the Postgame. Buying one Curious Cookie costs 20 Lucre-in-game currency-and also requires 1 Grizzly Syrup, one of the rare crafting materials.
The consumable item Miracle Cookie gives a more significant boost to EXP gain, increasing it temporarily by 15%. Similar to the Curious Cookie, the player could buy it from a Dudbear Exchange with the same maximum purchase limit. However, the Miracle Cookie costs a bit more: players have to pay 40 Lucre and provide 2 Grizzly Syrups in exchange.
Mytic Cookie is the strongest of these three EXP-raising cookies, raising the obtained EXP in battle by a whole 20% for some time. The cookie can also be bought through Dudbear Exchange. However, in the information provided, it is not specified how many Mythic Cookies can be bought at one time. Therefore, it might be so that a player can buy as many Mythic Cookies as he can afford.
Depending on specific regions of each map, there is a valorfly-small red bugs. Activating the Valorfly will have the effect of making all opponents around stronger but will grant you double experience while the timer is up. It does not carry over into the next region simply because you left the one where the Valorfly had been activated. This will work great for farming battles against foes within a single zone.
Lil Cactus - in Visions of Mana, is an automatically encountered monster in Rime Falls. After that initial encounter, they will be able to find a secret Lil Cactus almost everywhere. If they have collected a certain amount of Lil Cactus, then players will be able to receive useful bonuses. One of the many benefits is that you will receive 50 percent more experience from all encounters from this point on forward within the game. Also keep an eye out for this little creature as it might provide some handy spoils to your inventory.
The last way of leveling up is fighting with more powerful monsters. It would include Nemesis, higher-level opponents in the currently explored area, and any other similar enemies. This may take a lot of time, and to see the best result in the shortest time, it is best to combine several of the procedures indicated above.
We can conclude that knowing How to get XP in Visions of Mana is easier than you think with these instructions, you just have to apply them to get it and improve in this busy game.